With over 8,000 airports, Brazil has the 2sd highest number of airport in the world
Accumulated inflation at the year end of 1989 was as high as 1,782.9%
É o jeitinho brasileiro
‘’It’s the Brazilian way’’
Brazil overtook United Kingdom as the 7th largest world economy
With over 8,000 airports, Brazil has the 2sd highest number of airport in the world
Accumulated inflation at the year end of 1989 was as high as 1,782.9%
É o jeitinho brasileiro
‘’It’s the Brazilian way’’
Brazil overtook United Kingdom as the 7th largest world economy
With over 8,000 airports, Brazil has the 2sd highest number of airport in the world
Accumulated inflation at the year end of 1989 was as high as 1,782.9%
É o jeitinho brasileiro
‘’It’s the Brazilian way’’
Brazil overtook United Kingdom as the 7th largest world economy
With over 8,000 airports, Brazil has the 2sd highest number of airport in the world
Accumulated inflation at the year end of 1989 was as high as 1,782.9%
É o jeitinho brasileiro
‘’It’s the Brazilian way’’
IBUS 370
FALL 2012
IBUS 370
FALL 2012
Brazil Fights a Real Battle
Brazil Fights a Real Battle
John Molson School of Business presents
John Molson School of Business presents
1889 Republic is established * Central govt. controlled by coffee investment * Govt. give more freedom to private firm + eased credit + inflation rose + currency deppreciated.
1906 Coffee account for 60% of export. * Coffee price drop worldwide (over production) – financial crisis
1926 New York Stock Market Crash
- Coffee, Rubber, Cocoa, Cotton, Sugar demand drop (which are a big part of Brazil export)
1942 Cruzeiro ( 1st nation currency) lauch
1945 Creation of Sumoc ( Pre-Central Bank) - Fixe interest rate + control exchange rate+ % of reserve requirement ,etc.
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