Linhas Aereas Inteligentes
(Smart Airlines)
GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes
(Smart Airlines)
Established: 2001
Headquarters: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fleet: 127 airplanes, all 737s, including
737-300s and Next- Generation -700s and -800s.
Customer base: Using a discount model similar to Southwest Airlines in the U.S.
GOL holds about 35 to 40 percent of the domestic air travel market.
Since launching operations, GOL has been South America’s fastest-growing airline. GOL’s initial fleet: 25 Boeing 737 series flying to 40 destinations
In 2004 GOL entered into two capital markets: The New York stock exchange NYSE and Sao Paulo BOVESPA raising
$322 million dollars
GOL added 115 aircrafts to its fleet, increasing to 900 daily takeoffs to 62 destinations in 13 countries.
In 2007, GOL acquired VRG Linhas Aéreas, operating the VARIG brand. This acquisition was one of the most important steps in GOL's history.
Varig is the brand that operates GOL’s long international routes
GOL’s efficient and punctual operations were of primary importance to their customers. This emphasis resulted in on-time performance rate of 97% in 2004 and 2005, based on company data.
Gol’s success focuses on market strength not leadership
GOL has received a number of awards throughout the years for its service excellence, website, finance, marketing and social responsibility. Among those were:
Air Transport World’s (ATW)—Market Leadership Award.
Best Airline in Latin America by Global Finance Magazine.
Best Financial Management.
Most Valuable Brazilian Brands Ranking.
1. What were the benefits to Gol of a listing on the New York stock exchange
in addition to the San Paulo Bovespa?
GOL’s main strategy was to tap into the global capital market in order to help finance its international expansion.
By listing on the NYSE in addition to the Bovespa, GOL not only reached investors based in South America but also the larger pool of mature investors based in the USA who had the