Walter White, the lead character of breaking bad, has faced a tremendous problem in his life that has induced a giant smother pillow of stress, as for all others who befall the disease; terminal lung cancer. Walter, aware of his serious financial constraints, connects with a former student, Jesse Pinkman in order to provide a stable life for his family after he passes away. He has been put under these circumstances due to a decision to sell his former partners now Fortune 500 company, for 5,000$, as a college student. This was a very foolish decision that has put his family’s future in jeopardy, due to the unprecedented strike of his illness, which in turn leads him to start producing meth with his former student Jesse. The result of getting into the drug trade and production business is very conflicting for his family and job, for he has to lie to everyone to continue pursuing his “noble” cause. From contracting lung cancer, Walter has made a decision based on media influence to start producing methamphetamine, in order to sustain his family after death. The only proper solution/steps to implement it one could conjure are simple. Discontinue his production of methamphetamine, OR come clean to his wife Skylar and his son Walt Jr. and he will easily evade trouble with the law and distress between his family members. This might be difficult for Walter due to his general shyness and apathy towards his life after he receives the diagnoses of lung cancer. Another step towards implementation of this solution is to take up a legal job in order to save his family from unraveling the secret of his last doctors’ visit. This was also one of Walters’ main reasons for assigning himself another service to sustain his family besides the meth production. This method is safer and possesses more legality than the other profession he considered at first. Advancing towards this step will reduce the severity of Walter Whites’ consequences in the future. The
Walter White, the lead character of breaking bad, has faced a tremendous problem in his life that has induced a giant smother pillow of stress, as for all others who befall the disease; terminal lung cancer. Walter, aware of his serious financial constraints, connects with a former student, Jesse Pinkman in order to provide a stable life for his family after he passes away. He has been put under these circumstances due to a decision to sell his former partners now Fortune 500 company, for 5,000$, as a college student. This was a very foolish decision that has put his family’s future in jeopardy, due to the unprecedented strike of his illness, which in turn leads him to start producing meth with his former student Jesse. The result of getting into the drug trade and production business is very conflicting for his family and job, for he has to lie to everyone to continue pursuing his “noble” cause. From contracting lung cancer, Walter has made a decision based on media influence to start producing methamphetamine, in order to sustain his family after death. The only proper solution/steps to implement it one could conjure are simple. Discontinue his production of methamphetamine, OR come clean to his wife Skylar and his son Walt Jr. and he will easily evade trouble with the law and distress between his family members. This might be difficult for Walter due to his general shyness and apathy towards his life after he receives the diagnoses of lung cancer. Another step towards implementation of this solution is to take up a legal job in order to save his family from unraveling the secret of his last doctors’ visit. This was also one of Walters’ main reasons for assigning himself another service to sustain his family besides the meth production. This method is safer and possesses more legality than the other profession he considered at first. Advancing towards this step will reduce the severity of Walter Whites’ consequences in the future. The