Cited: Murray, Liz. Breaking Night. New York. Hyperion. 2010. Print.
Cited: Murray, Liz. Breaking Night. New York. Hyperion. 2010. Print.
“By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.” That is what Christopher Columbus said when he was traveling from Europe to the new world. There are many things standing in ones way of prevailing. The most important thing to remember is that having worthy character traits such as the will to survive and courage will bring you through those obstacles. In the face of adversity, moral character causes some people to prevail while others fail.…
Response: This story is a really good motivational piece and made me realize that students should take advantage of every opportunity that’s presented in front of them. Rose describes how school wasn’t important he didn’t pay attention and he did just enough to get by. In high school there are students that just do enough to pass the class. They wouldn’t have the mindset of going to college because no one in their family has ever gone beyond high school. Students that do just enough to get by have the mindset that school is “bullshit of course, is everything you – and the others – fear is beyond you: books, essays, tests, academic scrambling, complexity, scientific reasoning philosophical inquiry.” Pg5.…
“Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which gave you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all odds.” This was what women’s Brazilian soccer star Marta once advised. Never giving up may sound like a goal that is impossible to reach in reality. Although that may be true, in literature there are characters who exhibit it ideally. For instance, Joan Bauer’s short story “A Letter from the Fringe” introduces a figure who showcases these traits. On a somber day, Dana, the protagonist, a high school student at Bronley High was tormented by bullies alongside her friend Sally for being overweight. Although, it seemed as if her heart had been torn out and thrown to the side, she was capable of forcing the two tyrants to flee. Afterwards, she insisted that they had no right to…
From Homeless to Harvard Imagine, being a child of drug addicted parents, losing your apartment at the age of 16, becoming homeless, and having no one to truly depend on except yourself, this woman Liz Murray has been through countless circumstances. Murray saw herself wanting to be something more than just being homeless and a daughter of drug addicts. She turned around the odds that were against her. Learning about her and the horrific childhood she went through it shows people their present does not have to be their future. Liz Murray overcame drug addicted parents, exhibited passion to create a better future for herself, and displayed how independent she was.…
My dad grew up wanting to be a firefighter. Once he grew up, he decided to put that dream into action by actually becoming one. My dad had to work through the many physical and mental challenges and tests in order for him to make his dream come true. However, when he met my mom and they were instantly in love. After they got married, my mom spoke to my dad telling him that if they were going to have a family, my mom wouldn't want to have to worry about his safety, because being a firefighter is very dangerous and stressful on a family. So, my dad decided that being a dad was more important to him. Although it was still hard for him to know that his hard work to become a firefighter was all for nothing. Another example of when my dad had to persevere was when he had a seizure. My dad had 3 seizures and he told me that he felt as if he wasn't in control of his body. He said that knowing he didn’t have control was one of the scariest things he has experienced. He had to work through fears going through his head, but also physically. He had to go through many tests and recovery assignments that required him to persevere physically. Overall, my dad has worked very hard to get to where he is now and that is why he is a great example of showing what perseverance can…
During life we all face many obstacles, and barriers while trying to achieve a goal. Even though we may not know what’s the opposite term for working toward a goal continuing to move forward even though you face obstacles or barriers we’ll were using a term know as persistence. As I work toward achieving my goal the I endured many barriers. Such as my physical ability to play sports, my knowledge for the game, & my parents working source. I know that for the knowledge gained form the text, “Persistence and determination will carry you through, I call this ‘willing yourself to succeed.” (Quoted by Adam Jones)…
There is several things that I would have to say I have had to use to make sure that I have continued on the course of action in spite of obstacles and that I have had to use to maintain my focus. Just to name a couple of obstacles that I have had to overcome being injured while I was in the United States Army, dealing with the everyday pain from those injuries, making the decision to go back to school and get my degree, maintaining a grade point average of better than a 3.0 and that is just a couple the list could go on and on. When i got injured I knew that my army career and life was over but I didn’t let this stop me from doing everything that I could I had to dig down deep within me and say I may walk with a cane for the rest of my life but I am not going to stop me. The pain that I have been dealing with and will continue to deal with for the better part of my life is a constant uphill battle but, one thing that I use to overcome this is I tell myself when it gets so bad I cant even get out of bed the pain is there to tell me and show me that I am still alive and that my children need me. When it came to going back to school it was a no brainer but still a battle inside me.…
There is one area that I lack in determination. I lack determination to go to church on Sundays. This is another aspect of determination, but it is very similar. Faith is a very powerful thing. A person with a very strong faith will find that even in the worst of times, there is a potential positive outcome. There have been many times that my faith has been tested. My faith is tested every day with everything that I do. If I do not have faith that there is another outcome in the end, then what is the point in being successful while I am here. The day I realized just how strong faith is, was the day that I was saved. That was the greatest day of my life. The amount of emotion that was forced out of me was like a knockout blow from a heavyweight boxer. The emotion that I was showing was not a bad emotion, it was a matter of having all the problems that I have and will have in the future, being lifted off my shoulders. Having faith can be one of the hardest things to have, it takes a strong-willed individual to not lose their faith at…
But when we do not give up, at the end of the tunnel, there is always light, and it only benefits us. Sometimes we are put in tough situations our self, for example, a student may be doing badly on his/her tests and assignments, but instead of deciding to just drop out of school, if he or she has perseverance and persistence, he/she will continue to study harder, focus in class more, and ask for extra help. Eventually their hard work will pay off, and the student will start to accomplish higher grades on his/her tests and…
Have you overcome a challenge? (i.e. changed schools, self-esteem, academic performance, disease, handicap) Respond in detail: A challenge I have had to overcome in my life is my parents financial stability and job stability. After my mother was physically hurt at work and could no longer to work both jobs, our financial problems became prevalent in my life. My mother had costly doctor's visits and my dad had just started a new job. As the years by at times we would have less than twenty dollars on the bank account.…
I persevere through difficult obstacles and tasks by being resourceful. Being means that I am able to think of innovative ideas to find solutions to the obstacles in my way. Perseverance allows me to also not give up. There is going to be many obstacles preventing me from becoming successful. However, perseverance helps me to not give up when there is an obstacle in my way. On the contrary, it makes me work harder to get past the obstacle to become successful. Persevering during hard times when there is an obstacle is one of the characteristics I have that would allow me to become successful at…
An athletic challenge I had to overcome in life; breaking my ankle my freshman year of volleyball season. Our volleyball season was going really good. We got a new coach and was rolling. Unfortunately at one of our practice, before the regional tournament, I was hitting and came down and landed on a foot. I knew as soon as I landed it was broke it. The reason this presents a challenge for me, is because I hate to let my teammates down, and this to me felt like a huge let down. I knew the only way I could get through this challenge was to pray. God is the only one who knew why this had to happen to me. The results of this athletic challenge was for myself to realize that stuff happens to everyone, sometimes it being you, so pray and thank God…
Legendary Chuck Norris once said, “I've always found that anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you've got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish.” What this quote is saying is that anything that you want to accomplish will have obstacles and you have to have the will to overcome them. I, too, have set goals for myself and had to face obstacles to complete them. People have to face many obstacles in their lives such as losing friends due to excessive videogame playing, losing the best player in the town soccer team right before the big season, and recovering from someone you have lost; these obstacles have helped me because they shaped the way I am today; it showed me the value of friendship, it made me a better soccer player, and it helped me see the true meaning of life.…
Liz Murray had a rough life but overcame many obstacles to better herself. She went through being poor and living in poverty, watching her parent’s abuse drugs and wanting a better life. Liz was a very determined girl and knew she would someday succeed. She was very mature young in which she had to be. Most young kids can’t take care of themselves yet alone their parents but she had the drive and motivation for this task. Going through all the hardships and staying positive is remarkable in the situations she was put in.…
Was there a time wherein you experienced something so difficult but you still got through with it? For instance, you failed the exam that you really worked for and anger feds you up because of those sleepless nights. The teacher gave you a second chance but instead of crying, you worked twice as hard and finally you got what you wanted. You have been diagnosed of cancer and other people would say that it’s impossible to survive, but through faith, you experienced a miracle. Through the negative comment of others, we may be discouraged from believing that we still have hope and the possibilities, but through courage and firm faith, that impossible will become possible.…