Breaking bad habits is one of the hardest things to do. Smoking is a bad habit that millions of people choose to do. Some people smoke due to stress and other issues, which still doesn’t make the habit good. People die from cancer because of smoking and people still choose to smoke. Breaking this habit comes with a perfect mind state and patience and a will to stop completely.
Drinking alcohol carelessly is a bad habit that some people have. Drinking too much alcohol can eat your kidney and liver, which can end in a terrible illness. Millions of people drink irresponsibly, which is also the main reason for car accident deaths. An estimated 10,839 people died in the United States in 2012 due to drunk driving accidents accounting to 32% of total traffic deaths. (>Drunk Driving>Research)
The process to breaking smoking habits is first to acknowledge that it is wrong. Secondly you have to be willing to quit. The outcome is to stop smoking. Third you have to ask for help with this habit (preferably a doctor, or a close friend who has quit smoking). After completing your first stage of quitting cigarettes you may need a nicotine patch to ease the cravings, but you have made a great effort to stop smoking and you made a good choose to break a bad habit.
Drinking alcohol is a harder task to break than smoking I believe. This is just my personal beliefs but I have good reasons for this answer. People drink for all sorts of reasons; birthday celebrations, graduations, anniversaries, weddings, etc. There are also other reasons such as: stress, death in the family, illnesses that they can’t cope with, or just to satisfy that drunken monkey on their back. Drinking seems to help some, but tears down others.
The process of breaking the bad habit of drinking alcohol isn’t as simple as breaking the habit of smoking. First, the person has to want to stop drinking, when most drinkers do not feel that they are doing anything wrong. A drinker usually drinks to ease a certain pain, which still doesn’t make the habit any better. The process starts with AODA classes (Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse). The second step is to admit that you have a problem and detoxify yourself. The last step would be to keep yourself out of situations where you will want to drink again.
Breaking habits are the same as breaking tendencies and breaking practices of something you do often. The best way to break a habit is to think it through and make a great decision for your future. Drinking and smoking are just some bad habits that need to be broken, but they are not the only habits that people have which need to be corrected. I stopped drinking because I did not like the after affect on my body. Some people just can’t stop smoking or drinking, just as people can’t stop stealing, lying, cheating, committing murder or rape. These are all bad habits which need to be broken the question is “what are you willing to do to break a habit that you feel is good but knows personally is bad for you?”