I read Breast Implants For Reconstruction "A closer look" by Stephanie Donne and I was surprised that "70 percent go on to have one or both breasts surgically reconstructed" (p. 664) I wonder if this women that decide to have this reconstructed surgery felt pressure to have this procedure. Suffering from cancer is painful and I wonder if having this surgery is safe enough for women that have had health issues, also is there some type of program that offers to counsel when women are confused about this procedure. Donne, explains that " 40 percent of reconstruction patients required additional surgeries "(p.664), these statistics are interesting I wonder if women know this, would this information change the mind of this women. Educating our society about how a women's health is more important than what society thinks of a women's body supposed to look Is necessary. why do society expect women that survive cancer to have a reconstruction surgery why can we just be okay with what they choose and not judge them? The reconstruction surgery is dangerous and I wonder why do women that have already struggle with their health have to put their health at risk once
I read Breast Implants For Reconstruction "A closer look" by Stephanie Donne and I was surprised that "70 percent go on to have one or both breasts surgically reconstructed" (p. 664) I wonder if this women that decide to have this reconstructed surgery felt pressure to have this procedure. Suffering from cancer is painful and I wonder if having this surgery is safe enough for women that have had health issues, also is there some type of program that offers to counsel when women are confused about this procedure. Donne, explains that " 40 percent of reconstruction patients required additional surgeries "(p.664), these statistics are interesting I wonder if women know this, would this information change the mind of this women. Educating our society about how a women's health is more important than what society thinks of a women's body supposed to look Is necessary. why do society expect women that survive cancer to have a reconstruction surgery why can we just be okay with what they choose and not judge them? The reconstruction surgery is dangerous and I wonder why do women that have already struggle with their health have to put their health at risk once