Breast augmentation surgery with implants seems to be gaining popularity with regard to women wanting to correct or improve the size of their very small breasts, which can hurt their confidence and self esteem.
Despite the hefty price tag, breast enlargement surgery remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to be carried out in the United States. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) estimates that of the 13.8 million cosmetic procedures in the US in 2011, a whopping 307,000 were breast implants.
What is a Breast Implant?
A breast implant …show more content…
Anatomical implants
Anatomical implants are shaped like a teardrop- having more volume at the bottom than the top. They appear more oval shape when viewed from the front and create a sloped shape when fitted over the chest muscles.
Benefits: Teardrop implants produce a shape that more closely mimics a woman's natural breast shape.
Drawbacks: If anatomical implants flip in the pocket, there is a risk that they may distort the shape of the breast. This kind of implant costs more than rounded implants.
Breast implants come with either smooth our textured shell surfaces, with the former feeling like the outside of a balloon or a smooth plastic cover and the latter somewhat like fine sandpaper.
Smooth implants have thinner shells and they move freely within the breast pocket. The smooth outer shell makes them softer than textured implants. These implants are said to last longer than textured implants and have a lower chance of rippling than their textured counterpart. The smooth type costs less than the textured