To: Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc.
From: 001-85-3102
Date: March 25, 2015
Subject: Proposal – Marketing Strategy
Situation: The dog food market in the United States is continuously expanding due to the increasing ownership of dogs. Another trend in the United States is the need for owners to treat their pets as part of the family, thus, feeding them as if they were their children with high quality products. As the U.S. grows more health conscious with their meals, there is a similar trend in buying of healthier products for their pets.
Breeder’s Own Pet Foods, Inc. is a successful producer of dog food for show-dogs in the U.S. This brand provides the finest quality of nutritionally balanced dog food recommended by professional show-dog owners for years. Breeder’s Own has recognized the increasing trend in pet ownership and the owners need to feed and treat their dogs as part of the family with high quality food and is deciding to introduce their mix into an untapped market for their brand.
After meeting with representatives from Marketing Momentum Unlimited, Breeder’s Own had to make a decision if the company wanted to expand their market share into the retail brand dog food market in the Boston area. Boston represents 1.2 percent of the US dog-owned population resulting in 938,400 dog owners that could potentially be reached in this market. (See Appendix, Exhibit 1) The problem Breeder’s Own was facing was if the proposal could achieve a 15 percent return on sales in its introductory year.
Exhibit 1:
US Dog-Owned Population #
Boston Dog-Owned Population %
Boston Dog-Owned Population #
Exhibit 2: