PS: Genders of Modernism
Dozent: Timo Müller
WS 07/08
Brett Ashley as a New Woman in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................3
2. Brett Ashley .......................................................................................................................4
2.1. Characterisation of Brett Ashley ..............................................................................4
2.2. The Relationship Between Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes......................................6
3. The New Woman.................................................................................................................8
4. The New Woman Associated with Brett Ashley .............................................................9
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................11
6. Bibliography ....................................................................................................................12
1. Introduction
Are women supposed to dress like men, drink beer and hit on every man or even women they like? What behaviour are men and women supposed to pursue? How did gender roles change over the years? In the very past, women did have totally different duties and responsibilities than nowadays, they were obeyed by men and would not act like women these days. But things change! During the 20th century women have developed their rights, pushed their borders further and have gained expansions for themselves. They slowly detached themselves from their chains, attached by society. Brett Ashley for example, was one of such a revolutionary women: In Ernest