I believe that I would make an admirable Bridge Student because of my long history of mentoring and fidelity to anything I do that makes me who I am as a person. I also am very loyal to the program and have attended every possible campus day since I joined the program in tenth grade, along with every summer academy. I have a lot of knowledge of the program that not a lot of the kids have and can impart that knowledge of the program onto the students and staff this Summer that might need help here and there.If selected for the Upward Bound Bridge Program …show more content…
No matter how old we get we find that we always carry someone in our hearts that we revere. This is also true for high school students. To me, one group of people I admire are the Bridge Students. Every year one group of students gets chosen and exceed the expectations of them and do things that they are most likely the first in their families to do; these kids are role models. I have served as a role model in a many ways, as a girl scout, as a mentor, as an officer of multiple clubs, but only one way could make my heart feel as good as probably the humblest of all of my role model experiences, being a big sister. In my family were all very close and I may only have one sibling but I also have three cousins that call me their big sister. These kids for a long time were the reason I got up every day. I’ve always done my best to help them grow up right and making sure that they always knew I loved them. As a bridge student obviously I wouldn’t have the same kind of relationship with the summer academy students as I do with my family but I will care about them and their well-being the same as I would my family.
I should be selected to be a Bridge Student this Summer because I am determined and motivated and I will follow through with my college career and become a person that this program can be proud of. I need these credits because I am going for my Master’s in Human Resource Management