Entrepreneurial strategy
The buyer utility map
Purchase, delivery, use, supplements, maintenance, disposal,/ environmental friendliness, fun and image, risk, convenience, simplicity, customer productivity. * Facebook was started at universities as a directory for students, but soon grew bigger as many saw the advantages of using the site’s unique feature’s and creating and maintaining a profile is free for all its users. * It became the biggest and most recognized social networking website where one could find old and make new friends delivered online and maintained through ever expanding server farms. * Platform allowed widget makers to make applications that increased its virtual R&D budget by over 250 million dollars. * Integrated photo sharing utilities so external websites would have less market share. * Integrated news feeds for particular friends about activities such as a purchase of a specific product, which could have its own profile that would allow a user to see and enter to make the same purchase on an external site. This increases customer productivity, simplicity and convenience. * Privacy was stricter than that of rivals such as Myspace, only invited and accepted could see each other’s friends and users could choose to allow third party members access to personal information or not which reduces risk of privacy invasion. * Integrated services such as mail, purchases, etc. through the use of third party applications, links, and comments posting. * Business could post their company’s profile or “fan page” and have a more closer relationship to their customers * Allowed advertisers to post ads that changed according to interaction with them “is this ad relevant to you?” * Provide its platform in many languages as the total majority of users were outside of the U.S . * Saved a user time by integrating log-in credentials so that once a user logs into Facebook they did not need