II. Difficult Times
A. Chicago 1893, catches the new age
B. They recreate Colombes’s discovery
a. 400th anniversary
b. Stage his famous exposition
c. Wonderful vision of past but as well as the future C. Dec. 1893 Chicago is hit with the depression
a. 75,000 have no jobs b. It was said to be “a famine in the midst” c. Chicago was the 2nd largest city in the entire nation d. People had to live in shacks, pay expensive rent on small (one room) apartments (keep in mind there …show more content…
They were in a 400 million debt (Cuba) and U.S did not want any part of that
XV. President takes advantage and decides to annex Hawaii A. 1893 sugar planters (American) ruled b y a man Sanford Dole overthrow the queen named Liliuokalani a. They were inspired to do this because of the Harrison-McKinley Tariff
XVI. The War between Philippines and Americans A. Argument between the two ends up in gun fire B. Outcomes of the war (deaths) a. 4,000 americans were killed throughout this war. 3,000 were injured. But they had about 70,000 men in total C. Americans angered by the Guerilla conflict a. Execute prisoners b. Rape Filipino women c. Rob towns/villages d. Some generals would even order troops to kill all the people over the age of 10 D. Armies liked to torture the Filipinos a. They would utilize the “water cure” torture method 1. When water is forced down a person’s throat to simulate the effect of drowning E. U.S sent people to concentration camps a. Practice they began in Cuba b. More than half of the people sent there died of starvation or disease F. End of the War a. Theodore Roosevelt declares an end to the war (July 4, 1902) b. Still the Philippines was controlled by the U.S until