Mazurka as a genre - A Polish folk …show more content…
You either hate him or love him as a figure and a composer - Moved to Latvia, to work as a conductor. Munich - under the patronage of Ludwig II - Died in Venice in 1883 in Italy.
The Ring Cycle - Comprised of 4 operas ○ The Rhine Gold ○ The Valkyrie ○ Siegfried ○ Twilight of the Gods - All in German - Libretti by Wagner, based on old Germanic legends ○ Gods, heroes and mythical creatures who fight over this magical ring that grants domination over the entire world. - Didn't write the 4 operas in order but that's the order he prefers - Monumental work over 15 hours to perform - Worked on opera cycle over several decades
The Lord of the Rings - Similarities between LOTR and Ring cycle - Each cycle consists of 4 works - prequel and 3 main ones - Both cycle begin in a state of innocence that is corrupted and then ultimately restored. Plot center on efforts to own and control the ring - Ring hold great power but also brings on grief - Giants, Dragons
The Valkyrie, Act III - Wotan's Farewell
Best known for the beginning of Act III, The Ride of the Valkyries - Characters ○ Wotan - chief of the god ○ Brunnhilde - his daughter; a warrior-like valkyrie §