Panian’s peaceful life as a five-year-old boy in the village of Gurin was interrupted drastically. Being forced to abandon his home and walk months through unknown lands. Only to be lead into a concentration camp outside Hama with his family. Armenians across the country were brought to the desert left in the scorching heat. Surrounded by death, his only option was to leave his living relatives behind, only to endure the …show more content…
They would now be taught by Armenians once again and be able to return home. While the days of Antoura were over with, the tension between Turks and Armenians was still prevalent. Fighting broke out throughout cities across the Middle East.
Ray Travis, an American missionary, was now director of the orphanage. His friendly personality gave him an amazing bond with the children. In the Armenian section of Aintab outrage began to stir up between communities. Eventually turning into an all-out war zone. Mr. Travis’s military experience helped him create a secure bunker and save Karnig and many other lives.
The journey of Karnig Panian is one of hardship, bonding, and faith. Telling the personal experiences from the life of a survivor. Showing that even after taking a child from his happy, home environment, and constant attempts to frighten and disassociate himself, faith still prevails. Even after witnessing years of suffering and death, he kept a strong enough mind to overcome the Young Turk Revolution’s attempt to assimilate the Armenian youth through fear. And each person who attributed to Karnig’s survival did it through faith and knowing he would tell a story needed to be