“I walked through the streets with a strange sense of lightness, as if at any moment I might simply lift up and walk on air; and houses, faces, voices seemed to fade away from me, to lose their power to impress me with their presence. But though my mind was filled with images of America, of tall buildings with wide green fields, of the dark-haired man I remembered as my father, I could not believe in the truth of them, even my father now seeming merely like someone I had imagined in …show more content…
In every life, there are encounters of sadness and difficulties that arise to test your character and thus, loss of innocence is a necessary component to maturity. It is the gradual transition into adulthood that every child must go through. Nino Ricci’s ‘Lives Of the Saints’ deals with the loss of innocence of a boy who realizes that the world is not as perfect as he thought it would be – life is not always “gumdrops and daisies.” Vittorio’s loss of innocent occurs as he realizes the imperfections and faults of his mother, moving him away from being “Mama’s …show more content…
It is the gradual transition into adulthood that every child must go through. Nino Ricci's ˜Lives Of the Saints' deals with the loss of innocence of a boy who realizes that the world is not as perfect as he thought it would be. Vito's loss of innocent occurs as he realizes the imperfections and faults of his mother.
In the novel, Vito is very attached to his mother. He begins using foul language and this leads to his mother slapping him. After that, things become different for Vito and his mother. He notices his life changing.
"What's the matter with you? Oh! Basta!"
"It tastes like shit," I said. ...But an instant later my face was burning: my mother had slapped me, hard, against the cheek. (Ricci, 70-71)
"My mother, too, had withdrawn into a shadowy silence. Since the day at the restaurant a veil seemed to have fallen between us..." (Ricci, 74-75)
"I spent my time alone now, waiting for something to happen that would restore the normalcy of things, for the festival, for school to begin in October." (Ricci, 75)
Vito notices that his life is changing and that his mother is changing as well. He is beginning to see the differences in his mot
He does not understand what is happening