Helping Relationships Assignment 3.4
Professor Harms
Long-term vs. Short term psychotherapy
Psychotherapy uses many psychological theories in order to assist an individual toward the resolution of a wide array of problems. Most commonly, psychotherapy is separated into two distinct categories short term psychotherapy and long term psychotherapy. Identifying which type of therapy to use on which individual is a very important process that each counselor must undergo once presented with the specific information, for each individual case.
Short-term psychotherapy
Short-term psychotherapy refers to the here and now. The therapist makes sure to address the issues bothering a patient in the present day and advocates the use of personal strengths in order to solve problems that may arise. The focus with this type of therapy is to make sure to understand exactly what is going on inside the patients head, what emotions and feelings the patient may be experiencing and how those emotions may be affecting the everyday life of the patient. In this type of therapy, the counselor or therapists responsibility is to teach their patient how to understand and handle their behaviors, thoughts and emotions. This plays a very important part in solving a patients problem and leading them on the road to recovery. Once a patient can adequately respond to behaviors, thoughts and emotions from themselves and others they are more likely to be able to solve the problems that are bothering them.
Most of the work in short-term therapy happens outside of the session, which is the reason why weekly homework assignments will be given to patients. (Jacobson & Jacobson, 2001). There are specific signs to look for indicating a patient can be recommended short-term psychotherapy. These prognostic signs include having had at least one meaningful interpersonal experience, having achieved success in at least one area of their lives, for example,
References: Gordon, S. (2008). ScoutNews, LLC. Retried from Leichsenring, F. & Rabung, S. (2011). Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in complex mental disorders: update of a meta-analysis. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from Jacobson, J. & Jacobson, A. (2001). Psychiatric secrets (2nd ed.). Hanley & Belfus, Inc. Peters,G. Ph.D. & Miller, M. Ph.D. (2004). Brief vs. Long Term Therapy. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from Reich, J., & Neenan, P. (1986). Principles common to different short-term psychotherapies. American Journal Of Psychotherapy, 40(1), 62-69.