Of course you do.
You remember it so well.
It was a Friday; the sky hung low and cloudless. You were walking with a friend, talking and joking and just being the awkward adolescents you had grown up to be thus far. Your friend is pretty and tall and rather heavy on the thin side – not you mind of course, but, her stomach growls ever so lightly and you cannot help but to laugh as she clutches her stomach with mock irritation and feigning starvation.
As you continue to laugh and giggle at your …show more content…
You hear it then, the grumbling and the soft shifting of feet; it quells your vigor to a shaken leaf and suddenly you feel strange as your friend gently pushes you to the side. The strangeness filling your being makes you feel tight and itchy and you do not quite like what it’s doing to you. The feeling is sudden as it gnaws and bites and as you stand there, a niggling feel of emptiness surrounds you, forcing you to stomach the abyss of being left out.
It catches your attention – the button beeping and the crane turns as you do, the sight of a falling candy bar burns as embarrassment floods your cheeks, making you feel a peculiar sort of conscious.
You note their nameless faces; their faceless bodies contrasting yours with nimble limbs and expensive clothes. Your friend looks similar to them as well, all thin and grace. Scraggly body after slim after scrawny body, you and very few are rounded – in this moment you are very small.
Step by step and you can still hear the smooth clunking melody of buttons, cranes, and candy.
Time had passed but memories do not fade away so simply, they stay and make you recollect what shouldn’t be