Brink of Extinction
Brink of Extinction In Malaysia today the survival of wildlife have taken second place to human activity. All major wildlife species are now threatened with extinction. Does saving these endangered species and taking necessary actions for those who are on the brink of extinction means anything to you? Most of us are not aware that our Malayan Tiger, Clouded Leopard (Roy Goh 2011), Pygmy Elephant, Sumatran Rhino, Orang-Utan and Turtles are in the under-extinction animals category. Malaysian should be grateful for owning these animals in our tropical rainforest. However, we destroy the forest, hunt these animals and export them to other country. Without realizing it, these animals are under extinction. That 's mean, we 're almost losing them from this world. If we keep ignoring them, We might not see the Leatherback turtle in Redang island or the Malayan Tiger in the zoo, or Borneo pygmy (elephant) or even the orang utan anymore, if actions are not taken In future ,our grandchild will not able to see them in real.. or just in the documentary in National Geography channel or encyclopedia “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” ( Mother Teresa 2006) But another kind of wildlife is being threatened with much greater ferocity. The kind of wildlife that nature has best owed upon us, and the kind that we need to preserve. After all, this kind of wildlife forms an important role of the ecosystem that keeps planet Earth alive.
Consider the following facts as stated in “savingmalaysianwildlife”(2007)
14% of Malaysia’s mammals are listed by The World Conservation Union (IUCN) as endangered * Of 30 species of turtle ever discovered, only 7 are left * The Bornean species of orangutan is highly endangered, and the Sumatran species is critically endangered, according to the IUCN Red List of mammals, and both are listed on Appendix of CITES.
And while
References: Roy Goh 2011, “Veil of cloud over leopard species lifted” News Sunday Times, 23 January,p.19
“Mother Teresa 2006” Source :
“savingmalaysianwildlife”(2007) citing or referencing electronic source of information, viewed 6 Feb http/2007/12/saving-malaysian-wildlife-from.html
“my Asylum “, ( 2007) citing or referencing electronic source of information, viewed 6 Feb pg 2)
Shreeve, Tim 1982. Discovering Ecology. Sceptre Books Ltd: London.
Sustaining Biodiversity( 2005): The Species Approach, Living in the environment. (2005)
How Do Scientists Define Biodiversity. (n.d.) Retrieved July 15, 2011 from
The world’s biomes. (n.d.) Retrieved July 15, 2007 from,