The procurement of trees can occur either when rights are sold to cut down trees on land that is set to be urbanized or when commercial tree farms are sowed, grown, cut, resowed on the same land. Both means take energy, but the former takes a more natural, less energy intensive path, while the latter takes more energy input from the use of fossil fuels to power the machines to plant, sow and maintain the tree farms. Once the trees are felled, requiring energy input, it is converted to pulp. The transformation of tree chips into pulp and then paper is an energy intensive endeavor, taking fossil fuel inputs to form and shape the paper into a specific product. Some paper products take more processing in order to obtain the final product. Paper that needs to be white, undergoes a bleaching process, taking an input of chemicals and more fossil fuels, which may lead to the contamination of water resources. Once the final paper product is produced, it needs to be moved to market, which again is fossil fuel intensive. The use of diesel, oil and gasoline is not only used to transport the paper product but also used by the consumer of to move the paper product to its final destination. Lastly, once the paper product is no longer needed it is either put into in a landfill or it begins a recycling phase, which uses fossil fuels to move the waste paper and then transform it back into a pulp.…