This document represents The i-Fusions Consultant’s Report on BRITA. The company’s current business situation is analysed and various options for action considered. The report aims to identify a clear marketing strategy for Brita in order to address the current issues facing the company the associated falling sales.
The report is broadly comprised of three main sections: 1. Background 2. Situational Analysis 3. Options open to Brita 4. Recommended Strategy
Brita, after an extended period of success and dominance in the filtered water market is facing increasing competition, new market entrants and falling sales. After various failed initiatives to reverse the resultant decline, the company is seeking a new strategy that will restore double-digit growth.
In terms of product history, Brita has been very successful with 2 key water filtration products, Pitchers and Faucet Mounted filters. On launching the filtration pitchers, initial efforts to build awareness and create a market were successful, teaching consumers the benefits of filtered water and creating awareness. Subsequent efforts to develop and broaden the market based on taste were also successful (Tap water Transformed campaign). Brita was the market leader for many years and defended that market share successfully for some time. However, the market is now made up of more than 70 competitors and more recent strategies are failing to deliver growth and profits and Brita sales are now actually falling.
Situational Analysis
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