The British also perturbed the Hindu population by making English the official language. They prohibited the practice of suttee and infanticide but they allowed widows to remarry and allowed missionary activity. Many Indians died during the time Britain ruled over India. Between 6.1 million and 10.3 million people died during the 1876-1878 famine and 1.3 million and 10 million during the 1899-1900 famine. Because the reported deaths have such large ranges, shows that the British administration did not care for the Indian people as they would for their other-more British- colonies. There were several pandemics of cholera and the bubonic plague killing over 50 million people in India alone. About 4.7 million Indians died due to small pox between 1868 and 1907. Over 120,000 Indians were leprosy patients in 1881. Many vaccines for these diseases were found in India helping out the rest of the world with battling these diseases. The East India Company’s takeover was selfish and destroyed the way Indians lived. Many Indians are poor and live in terrible conditions. However, the Indians would most likely be in a worse position because they would not have the advanced infrastructure and technology that Britain gave to them. They wouldn’t have any hospitals or medical research and many would die to diseases. They also helped aid in medical advancements that affect the entire world because of Britain’s administration in the
The British also perturbed the Hindu population by making English the official language. They prohibited the practice of suttee and infanticide but they allowed widows to remarry and allowed missionary activity. Many Indians died during the time Britain ruled over India. Between 6.1 million and 10.3 million people died during the 1876-1878 famine and 1.3 million and 10 million during the 1899-1900 famine. Because the reported deaths have such large ranges, shows that the British administration did not care for the Indian people as they would for their other-more British- colonies. There were several pandemics of cholera and the bubonic plague killing over 50 million people in India alone. About 4.7 million Indians died due to small pox between 1868 and 1907. Over 120,000 Indians were leprosy patients in 1881. Many vaccines for these diseases were found in India helping out the rest of the world with battling these diseases. The East India Company’s takeover was selfish and destroyed the way Indians lived. Many Indians are poor and live in terrible conditions. However, the Indians would most likely be in a worse position because they would not have the advanced infrastructure and technology that Britain gave to them. They wouldn’t have any hospitals or medical research and many would die to diseases. They also helped aid in medical advancements that affect the entire world because of Britain’s administration in the