AND gayness narrative must be able to be “exercise in broad delight” (94), just like bathhouse. I love this! As this can offer teachers and society to deconstruction their own narrow mindedness and “can equally open us to the surprise of this learning” (Britzman & Gilbert, 2004. P. 94). When we think about gayness as Britzman and Gilbert suggest “can serve such occasion for noticing other realities, provided that our educational narratives have the audacity to enjoy their own margins”. (Britzman & Gilbert, 2004. P. 94).
This article is a good start to start the conversation about gayness in teacher education and the complexities this topic can have in our public school system and in our communities. Not only in our schools but also in our own belief system as well. I know that some schools and teachers are doing the best for an inclusive community where ALL students can have a sense of belonging. …show more content…
When she approached me, she said to me that I was her favorite teacher and she had something tell to me, but begged me not be disappointed with her. As she was telling me, I can see her having difficulty to tell me, finally when she told me she was a lesbian, I gave her a hug as I felt honoured that she was able share this to me. I asked her if she shared this with her parents, she mentioned her mom was understanding, but she was scared to tell her dad. But, she was determined to tell her dad. I hugged her and told her about the unconditional love we have for our children and I know in time her dad will find it in his heart to accept who she is. Later on, she came to me and thank me as her dad accepted who she was, a lesbian. I also have a student in my class who is gay and this one time he was wearing make up. I had a male teacher come up to me to tell me my student is wearing make up and he should not be wearing make up, as he felt for his “safety”. I told him “when I wear make up, should I take off my make up”. So, we had a very challenging discussions about gayness. I know as teachers we need to challenge ourselves to see the child as a human being, no matter what they identify themselves as.
Does your school or division have a GSA group? If so what does this look like.
How do you teach gayness or queerness in your