The penetration of mobile handsets and the increased dependence on it for entertainment and day-to-day activities, results into a quest for finding an ideal mobile handset. “Gen Z” is one such project to identify the bundle of attributes that make the best value proposition for the target segment of Student-Youngsters.
The segment Student – Youngster is identified on the basis of needs. Now a days, there are unimaginable number of features that can come with a mobile handset. However Student -Youngster segment demands only the most entertaining and captivating features and that too at a value for money.
Apart from basic features the prominent aspects of a good deal for this segment comprise sleek look, FM/music, high resolution camera, gaming, user friendliness and internet. The insight into what values the users derive from an attribute was brought on by exploratory interviews like focus groups & depth interviews. After assimilating all the possible features that can attract this segment, questionnaires ensured validation and further collection of primary data. The questionnaire design was such as to get the relevant ranking of important features and filtering the prominent trade-offs made by this segment. The single cross sectional questionnaire was sent to a selected respondent category to minimize the variance from targeted segment.
The data analysis of the responses collected from questionnaire helped develop a suitable project concept. The concept entailed a slim and flip handset with FM, music facility, high resolution camera and data storage space. Also critical was a reasonable price and good promotions especially on