It is all too common for professional athletes to live outside their means. The reason being that these athletes mistake their millions for unlimited wealth. Since these athletes are earning more in a year than some of their ancestors could even dreamed about making in a lifetime; these mistaken assumptions are understandable. There were countless examples of excess spending by athletes presented in this article. Of all these, I was most taken aback when one of the interviewees mentioned that he had spent $40,000 in a month. When you consider the fact that the average American family of 4 earns roughly $40,000 annually, this figure is particularly jaw
It is all too common for professional athletes to live outside their means. The reason being that these athletes mistake their millions for unlimited wealth. Since these athletes are earning more in a year than some of their ancestors could even dreamed about making in a lifetime; these mistaken assumptions are understandable. There were countless examples of excess spending by athletes presented in this article. Of all these, I was most taken aback when one of the interviewees mentioned that he had spent $40,000 in a month. When you consider the fact that the average American family of 4 earns roughly $40,000 annually, this figure is particularly jaw