First, those suspects that treated officers with dignity and respect were more likely not to be arrested (Paoline III & Terrill, 2007, p. 319). This has always proven to be a good idea when confronted by an officer that can very quickly execute his arrest authority to those who become disrespectful and belligerent. Secondly, those suspects that did not display the use of alcohol or drug use were more likely to avoid arrest as well. These decisions not to arrest, in many cases, there was evidence that was detected, but
First, those suspects that treated officers with dignity and respect were more likely not to be arrested (Paoline III & Terrill, 2007, p. 319). This has always proven to be a good idea when confronted by an officer that can very quickly execute his arrest authority to those who become disrespectful and belligerent. Secondly, those suspects that did not display the use of alcohol or drug use were more likely to avoid arrest as well. These decisions not to arrest, in many cases, there was evidence that was detected, but