Domestic Violence is a serious issue that can affect anyone no matter their race, sex, class, gender, or religion. The abuse can be physical, psychological, sexual, financial, or emotional. It affects the victim, the aggressor, and those closes to them. In this paper, I will address the effects that domestic violence has on children who have witnessed the abuse and violence in their primary home setting. I will use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and the microsystem setting, to address how the violence and an aggression that the children face at home can have an effect on the child’s lifespan development. I will also discuss how this issue affects society, and what could potentially be done to better address this issue of domestic …show more content…
Today there are more resources and help for those who have been victims of domestic violence. According to Seccombe” child advocates, feminist, family scholars, international human rights workers, and others have drawn attention to violence and abuse within families and intimate relationships” (Seccombe, 338). There are campaigns addressing the issue, there are centers for victims of domestic violence, and there are programs for the abuser. Devaney explains, that concerns should be expressed that children are conceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the crossfire rather than a victim of their own right” (2008). Although there are campaigns that allow individuals to become more aware of the issue of domestic violence there should be more of a focus on addressing children who have witnessed domestic violence and have been …show more content…
He explains that it is important to educate the victim, the children, the abuser, and health care providers. It is explained that victims should recognize and be taught that it is not their fault, children should be taught that violence is not the answer when stressed. Healthcare providers should be educated on how to deal with the issue and the abuser should be taught that their abuse is more than just actions (Peace, 2009). I believe that there could be more information provided on the programs and organizations that help victims of domestic violence. For example, Gewirtz (2007), “state that mothers and children are affected in two ways; how will she protect her children and herself, and how will she provide for the child”(2007). In other words, it’s important to provide programs where the mother or the father who are victims of domestic violence are met with the proper stable environment where they themselves can get help and the children as well. I also think that when creating services for victims of abuse it’s important that it’s a family friendly environment, and that the individuals who are assisting the clients are “culturally respectful, and have cultural knowledge, skills and attitudes” (Gewirtz, 2007) to help the clients. Lewis et al., explains that a child’s safeguarding responsibilities are very important (Lewis et al., 2017), therefore it is important to have a well-trained