1. What distinctive individual views and features can be seen in the work? A very abstract way of art. A very modernised and unusual interpretation of a unicorn. Oliver was interested in structural formation, in the principles of ‘spiralling, wrapping, binding, swelling, expanding and stretching
2. How does the work attempt to express the personal views of the Artist? The artwork automatically portrays that the artist likes to play around with her artworks, and doesn’t make them in an ordinary manner. It shows us the abstract and unusual side to art.
3. What new media is being used in a new and innovative way? Oliver used a variety of materials, including paper, resin, tissue, fibreglass, hair, copper and aluminium. The ethereal impression and supple curves of her objects belie the inherent qualities of their materials and the intensive process of their production.
1. Does this artwork create a connection with ideas or themes between the artist and the audience? It certainly creates a connection, perhaps a mythical one. The audience is left with questions, they’re left wanting more. This is what abstract art is.
2. What are the ideas being conveyed by this artwork? Oliver’s sculpture suggests a passage from one place to another, a journey from a material dimension into an imaginative, other world.
3. How are the artworks shaped by the contemporary technology? Contemporary technology for example would be phones and computers etc. These new forms of technology have definitely shaped contemporary art. If I wanted to see Bronwyn Oliver’s artworks, I’d simply go on Google images and I could see them all, without having to go see it in person. Everything can be viewed over this new contemporary technology.
1. How have contemporary or