They are oblivious to the systematic racism within this society because they are the privilege group.
They had difficulties dealing with two hours of the type of racism that other groups in this society go through every day.After seeing this video, I see why we have a higher rate of high blood pleasure and many other diseases. Being black and under attack has become the norm for us. Seeing this video makes me proud to be black, we are resilient people.Before the video I wandered how they perceived themselves and others.
Education effect racism …show more content…
because whites attend schools in affluent neighborhoods and blacks attend poor schools in poor communities. The child that is likely to become successful is the child from an affluent neighborhood.
The affluent schools get the most tax dollars, making them more equipped with the best teachers, technology and positive climate. The schools in the poverty areas get the opposite. They get second hand books and teachers no other schools want making it a negative environment to learn in. This environment makes it difficult for the students to learn and pushes the students out of school (dropout). By the time children graduate, the few are not employable, because they didn’t get quality education. The affluent students (whites) get the better jobs and better opportunities.This is institutionalized discrimination.Many believe that we live in a class system, in reality, it is just another word for caste system. If mother has a child in poverty, more than likely the child will remain in poverty making the next generation even more impoverish. if mother is a blue collar
Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Experiment child will be blue collar, middle class. When the mother is an executive most likely the child will be the owner of the corporation.
Bluey left the room. She was uncomfortable with her feelings of insecurity and disagreed with what the teacher was saying. I called this avoidance because she refuses to finish the
According to Rowe, Behrens, and Lech, “Unachieved attitude structures reflect the fact that individual either have not thought about race and ethnicity or lack real commitment to any position.”
Bluey who cried suffered from dissonant. She cried not understanding why she was being treated a certain way. She felt like she was being mistreated because of the tone of the instructor’s voice, she felt threaten and humiliated. After instructor humiliated her she fails in line, willing to receive new information. According to Rowe, Behrens, and Leach, “Dissonant, is held by individuals who are uncertain about what they believe. They lack commitment to their position and are in fact, open to new information, even if it is dissonant. Their position may result from a lack of experience or knowledge, may indicate incongruity between new information and a previously held position or may reflect a transition between positions.”
There is an old saying, before you judge someone, you first must walk a mile in his shoes. In reality whites are oblivious to racism. As the experiment continued they underperformed just like any other race would under the same pressure that non-whites deal with on a daily basis.