Rockell Schmidt
Mr. Tackett
Per. 1
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Effects of Racism on Children
Children are often thought of as innocent and oblivious to serious situations but it has been proven that their environment directly affects how they react to certain circumstances. Racism is undoubtedly an ongoing problem around the world and affects all bystanders, young and old. The effects on children, of extreme prejudice, are shown in the short story “Brownies” written by Z.Z. Packer. It describes an African
American brownie group discriminating against the Caucasian, brownie troop 909, purely for their color. Their dispute almost turns into a full on brawl and in the end backfires on the colored girls as they cannot justify their reason for wanting to beat up troop 909. The extremely unpleasant environment imposed on the African American girls, from their parents and peers, causes them to act out inappropriately or with violence. The introverted, hesitant troop member, Daphne wrote a poem confronting her feelings towards the effects of racism stating, “You are my father, the veteran, When you cry in the dark, it rains and rains and rains in my heart.” The significance of
Daphne's poem was to symbolize the explicit effects of racism in a child's life, through the actions of their parents, the constant disadvantage of being a minority, and their impaired development of their emotional and social standings.
Schmidt 2
Generally parents act as role models and transfer their views, good or bad, to their children, who highly respect them. In the line of the poem, “You are my father, the veteran” Daphne describes how her father fought the brutal war of racism and shaped him into a hero in her eyes. Daphne holds her dad in high regard and respects him for his scarring battles. Slavery and segregation of colored people is long in the past but the effects still carry on. The negative ideals of Caucasians were passed down from generation to