Matter Meet.” I am extremely excited about what he presents and it is very quickly becoming an integral part of my own empowerment through knowledge that is simply mind blowing in its ramifications. If you ever had difficulty making the leap from science to spirituality and have wished for a verifiable bridge, here it is folks. It doesn’t get any better than this. Free your mind. Let your spirit soar. Allen Smith
Before I begin, let me state that these are simply my notes on watching Bruce Lipton’s
DVD entitled “The New Biology.” In no way do I intend to represent him. In no way do
I intend to misrepresent him. For the direct & real presentation, I urge you to support him by going to his website and buying the DVD’s. I do energetically support his efforts of education and deeply honor the wisdom and passion he brings to the planet.
I write this material with respect for Bruce’s efforts. So take it as just an introduction to his amazing work from a fellow connected human being that resonates with his message. Here are my highlights of what I perceived & understood Bruce Lipton to present (in my own words when I can) pretty much in synchronous order of his presentation. I took liberty adding my own thoughts occasionally when it felt flowing and intuitively accurate to do so. Of course his presentation was done with beautifully illustrated and easy to understand slides and video. I have omitted many of his animated & fun demonstrations and stories that drive home the points he is making.
- Here is what is said on the back of the DVD package. “Recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes, a concept referred to as Genetic Determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one’s life is genetically predetermined, a radical new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science.
Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment – the external universe and our internal physiology – and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly control the activity of our genes. This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution.
The quantum physics behind these mechanisms provide insight into the communication channels that link the mind-body duality. An awareness of how vibrational signatures and resonance impact molecular communication constitutes a master key that unlocks a mechanism by which our thought, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and the external world.”
“Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cellular biologist, author, and former Associate Professor at the University of
Wisconsin’s School of Medicine. His pioneering research on cloned human cells at Wisconsin and Stanford
University’s School of Medicine presaged the revolutionary field of epigenetics, the new science of how environment and perception control genes.”
Genetic Defects effect about 5% of the population.
The other 95% that are genetically healthy still experience diseases, early death, etc. Why?
The TRUTH is that genes are selected and rewritten by our belief systems.
Genetic Determinism is not true. However, conventional wisdom still leans towards genetic determinism. It is a way outdated assumption.
3 assumptions that biological science is based on that are totally wrong.
- Assumption 1 - "Biological processes employ Newtonian Physics." This says that the universe can simply be viewed as a machine that is made out of physical parts.
It does not entertain the notion that energy is involved in the process. Newtonian physics is out of date by 75 years because we entered the quantum era in 1925.
- Assumption 2 - "Genes control Biological expression."
But genes cannot control biological function because they can't turn themselves on or off. If they can't control themselves, they can't control anything else either.
- Assumption 3 - "Darwinian evolution provides for biological diversity."
It's actually more of a "Lamarckian" process, which says that organisms match their environment and they adapt to the environment. Genes will adapt to belief.
Before the 1600's, the mission statement of science was: "To gain an understanding of the natural order so that we can live in harmony with it."
But in the 1600's the modern science mission statement began to take hold due to scientists like Isaac Newton. Biological sciences started adapting this new view of the body that it is to be considered as a machine not with outside spiritual influences.
Thus, the new Mission Statement of science became: "To obtain knowledge that can be used to dominate and control nature."
Our bodies are made of 50 to 70 trillion cells.
Bruce saw that cells often grew better in a pitri dish than in the body. This showed environment effected cells. To consider cells just parts without considering the environment is not the way.
The major functions of your body are direct reflections of what is present in every cell.
Newtonian Mechanics.
1 - A theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality. "All that matters is .......matter." You consider only the parts of the body.
2. - Reductionism. The attempt to explain all biological processes by physical laws that chemists and physicists use to interpret inanimate matter. "Take it apart and study the pieces."
3. - Determinism. A theory that occurrences in nature are causally determined by preceding events or natural laws. "We can predict the outcome."
Research is driven by the drug companies since they profit on the research findings.
So they make the parts (drugs) to fix your body like they were fixing a watch.
A study done in North Carolina revealed that more than 50% of children taking Ritalin for Attention Deficit Disorder don't have it. Over prescribing and drugs aren’t the answers so we need to get out from under this model.
There are approximately 100,000 different protein parts that make up our bodies with parts such as "Adenyl Cyelase, Ion Channel, DNA Synthetase, Collagen, DNA
Polymerase with DNA, Potassium Channel, Coenzyme M, and Hemolysin Pore."
Proteins build and assemble protein machines. All proteins are like beaded strings.
There are 20 different kinds of Amino Acids that are building blocks of the proteins strings. What makes each of the 100,000 proteins different from each other is the length of the chain and the sequence of the beads or Amino Acids. The sequence of the amino acids gives the shape.
The Amino Acids are held together by Peptide Bonds. How the Amino Acids position themselves relative to the others around them depends on Electro Magnetic Charges.
In EM charges, "Like" charges repel each other and "Opposite" charges attract. So dependent on the Amino Acids segment beads charge, they will position themselves
accordingly to those charges. If a drug, chemical or hormone (signal) comes in and attaches itself to an Amino Acid, it changes the charge at the point where it attached.
The changing of these charges actually produces a repositioning of the beads that creates movement. This movement is required for a substance to be "Living." Life comes from moving proteins. When movement performs work, then it becomes behavior. This movement can be described then as due to a signal causing
"Conformation" changing of shape. These movements can perform functions such as digestion or muscle contraction.
Thus, protein surfaces have pockets and clefs that are like keyholes, sockets or receptors for other things to plug into. Once again, the "receptor" shapes are based on the Amino Acid's length and sequence. As the charges change, "conformation signals" bring about movement of the proteins that can reshape the "receptors." This brings about a locking in or out of something into a receptor.
Or it could be a simple change in shape causing a muscle contraction. It acts like a simple switch.
So if a Calcium (signal) comes along and attaches itself to the protein, it changes the electrical charge and the protein shape changes from its original conformation shape to a new conformation shape. Were the calcium signal to be taken away, the protein would return to its original shape.
Signals change the protein shape.
That results in movement.
Movement does work which is behavior.
What "Controls" life?
What follows is the earlier assumption where it all went wrong.
Scientists asked, "What's the simplest way to control biology?"
They determined that "If we can find what replaces a protein when it dies, we will have found what controls the cell."
This was mistakenly started in the science of Charles Darwin in 1859. He said that an organisms traits and behavior were a hereditary factor but at that time did not know what they were.
By 1953, science believed they had found their answer in DNA and its proteins.
Unlike proteins, DNA doesn't wear out or break down. So DNA must be what controls the cell.
So the conclusion of science was this:
The Primacy of DNA
DNA (Long term Memory)
RNA (Short term memory)
Protein (Behavioral Element)
This says that who you are and what you are and even how you behave is predetermined in the blueprint of DNA. The belief system here is that If the genes can be understood, that we can replace any broken genes and repair your health.
A “Science” magazine article (May of ?) about Nuclear Dynamics.
Title: Macromolecular Ballet.
It says: For higher organisms, the nucleus is the command center of the cell.
They are saying that the cell organelle called the Nucleus is the brain of the cell.
If you take the brain out of any organism, death is immediate. But you can take the nucleus out of a cell with all its DNA & RNA and the cell can continue to live and go about its business for 2 or more months without any genes at all. The behavior of the cell does not change by taking out the genes.
So it seems obvious the genes cannot be the brain of the cell. The process of Enucleation (removing the nucleus) is done a lot at higher levels of Biology so they know the nucleus is not the brain of the cell but the information gets lost in translation through the news media and the like before we hear about it. Bottom line is:
Assumption 2 that "Genes control biological expression" is false!
We began asking, “If the genes are not controlling the cell what is?”
Bruce Lipton’s research in 1985 led him to understand the true relationship that genes have with the cell.
Bruce says that in mass media, the following 2 words get confused all the time.
CORRELATION: A relationship existing between phenomena or things.
Such as: Genes are correlated with your body. That's a fact.
CAUSATION: The act or agency, which produces and effect.
Because of misuse of these words, media hears “correlation” and thinks it means
Genes do not cause anything. They are simply the blueprints. Genes are just a potential. It is not under the control of the genes as to whether or not they get selected. What activates the genes?
In 1953, when Watson and Crick found the secret of the DNA code, the hypothesis was made that genes control biology. What was a hypothesis eventually seemed to become truth and is in textbooks everywhere that "genes control."
Here's a quote from H. F. Nihhout 1990: "When a gene product is needed, a signal from its environment, not an emergent property of the gene itself, activates expression of that gene.
Genes are blue prints. But they don't determine whether they'll be read or not.
50% of a nucleus is protein. Most often in the past, the proteins were simply thrown away as scientists studied DNA. So they missed the opportunity to study the role of proteins in the nucleus.
Regulatory Protein. These are proteins inside the nucleus. Proteins cover the outside of DNA like a sleeve. Protein segments can detach after receiving signal and then reattach after the signal goes away. It is when the proteins sleeves are detached that the sleeve is removed and the genes normally hidden underneath can now be read by the cell like blueprints for building a home.
Now here is the more Up To Date version of the flow chart for:
Primacy of the Environment
Environmental Signal
Regulatory Signal (controlling regulatory protein)
So you're not controlled by DNA, you’re controlled by Environmental Signals.
You are environmentally determined.
The brain of the cell is the MEMBRANE.
The nucleus is more akin to the gonads of the cell that are for reproduction and not for brain. The membrane is filled with an oil like substance that water cannot go through from the outside.
Proteins insert themselves into the membrane structure.
There are 2 sets of proteins in the membranes called "Receptors" and "Channels."
Receptors are antennas that receive all the information from the outside environment. There is a receptor for every type of environmental signal there is to receive so there are many thousands of these.
Channels are canals that lead through the membrane. In their resting state, it is closed and nothing can pass through. In their activated state, the channel canal opens up through the membrane so certain things may pass in or out.
When the Receptor protein receives an environmental signal on the outside of the membrane, the protein makes a "Confirmation shape change on the inside of the membrane. With this shape change of the receptor protein, a connector protein called a "G" protein connects to the receptor protein at one end and at the other end, the G protein connects to the Channel protein. So as the signal is received by the receptor it triggers the channel canal to open and let the environmental elements into the cell.
When the signal is no longer present, the channel closes. It's basically a switch either being opened or closed.
It is a stimulus - response process so environmental signals elicit behavior.
If you were to cut off all the antenna of the cell, it would have no behavior.
Receptors represent awareness of their environment.
Channels elicit physical sensation of the cell.
Together, these become the definition of perception, which is: "An act or result of perceiving; or Awareness of environment through physical sensation."
Now we can say that you are controlled by perception not by genes.
In more complex organisms, cells band together in community and take on a bigger function (which is differing to the brain) for group survival and purpose. Cancer cells are ones that leave the community to do their own thing.
Cancer cells happen due to the break down of community.
Through dye processing, scientists have been able to video cells in communication with each other and it appears as waves of light moving through the cells. You can see that they are “talking” to each other.
When cells are in community, they differ their own perception to a central command, which is the brain and nervous system of the organism. The brain perceives the organisms inside and outside environment and produces a belief system about that information since perceptions may not be correct. The cell, though having its own intelligence, differs to the signals that it receives from the brain. So now, the cell is controlled by the belief system of the organism.
The point is.....
It is our beliefs that adjust our physiology.
It is our beliefs that adjust the selection of genes.
Aging is a belief system function. If you believe you are getting too old to do something anymore, your body will prove you right. You will not use that ability anymore and disuse causes atrophy.
It has been shown that one of the primary causes of Alzheimer’s is lack of use of the brain. An organism’s intelligence is so superb and efficient that it undoes parts of the system that don't get used.
Energy signals, not just physical molecular signals, are equally valuable if not more so in driving biological systems.
Old View Assumption 1 - Biological processes employ Newtonian Physics.
Newtonian Mechanics - Materialism, Reductionism, Determinism
Newtonian Mechanics - Universe = Matter
New View since 1925 - Biological processes employ Quantum Physics.
Energetics, Holism, Uncertainty
Quantum Mechanics - Universe = Energy
Holism - Everything is entangled. You need to study the energy of an individual and its environment as well as the physical structure.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle basically says: "The more accurately you try to measure something, there are always parameters that disappear so that you can never accurately determine anything."
Specifically, it says: “One cannot measure values (with arbitrary precision) of certain conjugate quantities, which are pairs of observables of a single elementary particle.
These pairs include the position and momentum. Mathematics provides a positive lower bound for the product of the uncertainties of measurements of the conjugate quantities.” The uncertainty principle is one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics and was discovered by Werner Heisenberg in 1927.
Here is an excerpt from an article by Vladilen S. Letokhov called, "Detecting Individual
Atoms and Molecules with Lasers." And it continues, "Every atom or molecule emits and absorbs light of characteristic wavelengths. By tuning a laser to match specific wavelengths, atoms and molecules can be detected with unprecedented sensitivity.
The new approach of Resonance-Ionization Spectroscopy is so selective, that it can sense the slightest accent in the spectral language of atoms and molecules."
So every molecule in your body is both giving and receiving energy of which some is in the form of light.
The world of biological medicine is very slow to recognize that, instead of just cutting out diseased tissue, one can inject energy towards the effected cells and entrain them back into healthy states. So just as our beliefs can effect cellular function and DNA processes, so too can energy.
Modern medicine does use one similar energy treatment and that is for breaking up
Kidney stones. Energy waves can be aimed at the kidney stones and at the right intensity and frequency, the Kidney stone breaks apart into sand that can be passed by the individual. In this case, it is not cell healing or entrainment but at least they're getting closer to using the potential of energetic healing.
Here are some article titles from mainstream medical journals:
"Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Effect on DNA Synthesis."
"Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields Induce Cellular Transcription." (RNA synthesis)
"Exposure of salivary gland cells to low-frequency electromagnetic fields alters polypeptide synthesis." (Protein synthesis)
"Endothelial Cell Response to Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: Stimulation of Growth
Rate and Angiogenesis in Vitro." note: This one talks about being able to get blood vessel cells to grow and differentiate by putting them in an electromagnetic field.
"Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Fields on the Mitogenic
Response of the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells." Note: This one is about inducing these blood cells to divide. (Mitosis)
When mononuclear cells divide out of control that is called Leukemia.
So this article is talking about being able to induce Leukemia in these cells! Makes you wonder what else could be happening to our bodies in the world of electromagnetic pollution that we live in.
The following 2 are talking about or pointing to electromagnetic pollution such as Electrical High tension (High Voltage) Lines or even cell phones.
"3H-Noradrenaline release potentiated in a clonal nerve cell line by low intensity pulsed magnetic fields."
"EMFs' Biological Influences. Electromagnetic fields exert effects on and through hormones. By Janet Raloff." It continues to say: "The electric current powering escalators (moving stairs like at your local mall, airport or hotel) can generate locally high magnetic fields."
The function of hormones is regulation of the body. The above articles are talking about electromagnetic pollution that comes from High Tension Line, escalators, home electrical systems, cell phones, microwaves, computers, etc, and how they can influence your hormones. This can throw the body out of alignment by being in these electromagnetic fields.
Old data stated that there was no effect from High Tension Lines but that data was skewed and incorrect. They were required to study it again and it was shown that there IS an effect especially on the hormone "Estrogen" and that's important because it is involved with cell proliferation and cancer.
Here is an interesting "catch" of information that was not known in earlier studies.
If you are NOT under stress, the fields will not affect you. (I would assume this does not include extremely powerful fields that would be overwhelming to any biological system.) If you ARE under stress, the fields can get very specific and alter your biology.
"It has now been revealed that Stress is the primary mechanism that opens your body up to the effects of and changing of its function by exposure to electromagnetic fields."
Bruce Lipton, PhD (from his DVD "The New Biology. Where Mind & Matter Meet."
Quantum Science is the "parent" science so biology has to adapt to it.
"Energy Healing is real because energy is more effective at controlling biology than molecules are."
Bruce Lipton.
Here is a simple beauty that Bruce discovered in his studies. He determined that cells have 3 behaviors. One of which is doing nothing.
The actions a cell can take are only 2 “active” choices so its behavior is "Digital."
1. Moving towards a signal. Attraction or "Growth"
2. Moving away from a signal. Repulsion or "Protection"
3. Taking no action because a signal is irrelevant. Neutral.
The cell thus responds to its perception in one of two ways. Growth or protection.
The organism is the community of cells and responds the same way only the brain is now the source of perception. It literally comes down to your belief system telling your system and cells to either be in growth or protection. If there is a predominance of fear developed from your thinking process based on misperceptions, then that will tell your body to be in protection mode or shrinking back. If your thoughts and perceptions are positive and loving, that sends signals for your body to be in growth or moving forward.
Even though we have 100,000 gene programs minimum, they can all be divided into 2 groups. 1. Those genes that provide for growth, rebuilding and reproduction.
2. Those genes that provide protection and exorcize protection programs.
A simple point is this. The cells of your body can either be in growth or protection.
It takes energy to be in growth but it takes even more energy to be in protection. So if a predominance of your body cells are in protection, they will steal the energy away from growth processes and your body will be bankrupt of energy and begin to degenerate and move into disease and dysfunction.
If your perceptions and beliefs are based enough on fear and protection, you can literally scare yourself to death in an instant. It has happened. Imagine what you could do if enough of your perception and beliefs were based in love and growth!
If you look at the many environmental signals that come to us through western society paradigms such as our news, churches, schools, jobs, dysfunctional families or peers, etc., it is easy to see that there are ample signals to perceive as threatening and to
cause you to wall yourself off from the outside or go into protection mode. This is the same thing that governments do at the worldview. Currently, our government is more than 50% into the protection mode. What does that say for the potential of growth in our country? We live with a great deal of stress in our society today. Stress, which is a perception, puts us into living a state of being energetically shortchanged where protection systems rob growth systems. As we stated earlier, stress opens us up to the effects of electromagnetic and other energetic signals from the environment as well. Is it becoming glaringly obvious yet that we need to live in the growth mode with belief systems based on love?
Here is what else happens with our digital nature.
Our cells are either in growth or protection but our body system can be a range or percentage of being in growth and protection with many variables.
The body has 2 systems that deal with growth and protection.
1. The Visceral System (Is the overriding system during "Growth") provides metabolic support and is comprised of Respiration, Digestion, Excretion, Reproduction and internal protection.
2. The Somatic System (Is the overriding system during "Protection") provides physical support and is comprised of Musculoskeletal, Connective Tissue and external protection. The Adrenal System is the master switch of the body that switches between growth and protection; the Visceral or Somatic System. These systems are bond together by the Autonomic Nervous System or Sympathetic/Parasympathetic reactions.
When a system is in "Growth", the Visceral system is in charge. But when perception triggers the Adrenal System into sending a protection signal, the Somatic Systems takes charge and we go into the "Protection Mode." Blood flow is squeezed out of the
Viscera and is channeled to the muscles and skeletal system. Not only that, but the blood flow in the brain is suppressed in the fore brain and routed to the primal or hind brain stem in the back where "Flight or Fight" response kicks in. So intelligence goes down as far as calm rational thinking and reactive, instinctive processes are sped up.
If you have ever felt flustered and unable to think, you moved into the Protection
Mode. If you felt uneasy with butterflies in the stomach, you are feeling blood flow leaving the area as you move into Protection.
Human behavior is on a scale from - Love to Indifference to Fear - which matches cell behavior as - Attraction to Neutral to Repulsion.
Love is the maximum nourishment for growth. It attracts life to you.
Fear is the maximum movement into protection. It walls you off from life.
From a study on Orphanages in Eastern Europe, it was shown that most of the kids were there because parents were still having kids but didn't want them since they could not take care of them so they were just dumped there. It turned out that over
80% of the children developed Autism, a form of walling yourself off from the outside world. When they enter Autism as a form of protection, they end up being 30 to 40% smaller in size in every way because their protection reaction does not allow love in as nourishment. THE MASTER SWITCH
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA Axis)
The stress signal goes from the brain to the Hypothalamus to the Pituitary Gland.
(Master Gland)
The Pituitary then releases the ACTH Hormone that goes to the Adrenal Glands on top of the Kidneys.
The Adrenal Gland then secrets Adrenal Hormones. (Adrenalin). This constricts the blood vessels in the Viscera causing more blood to go to the arms and the legs.
The Adrenal Gland also sends out Corticoids that trigger the Fight or Flight response.
It also shuts down the Immune System because it uses a lot of energy and that energy is needed to serve the "Stress" situation.
If there is a real & immediate stress signal, this is the natural & preferred state of reaction from the body.
Interesting point: The same hormones present during stress response are used by the medical profession for suppressing Immune function in patients receiving transplants so they do not reject them. That's how good it works.
Problems arise when we are chronically stressed because our growth systems
& Immune systems are constricted or shut down.
We can get stressed by our belief systems. So if we don't like winter, shorter days, and going back to school or work, we feel more stressed and our body goes into
Protection Mode and shuts down the immune system. Enter things like the common cold or Flu. Perhaps they were already present in our system as opportunistic organisms, bacteria, viruses or pathogens just waiting the chance to get a foothold.
What if we were able to go into life situations with no mental/emotional stress? What if we really enjoyed them? Then we would send no signals of stress and our Immune
system would not shut down and we wouldn’t get sick! We would be in the growth mode attracting even more love and passion into our lives.
Not only do we experience more sickness during high stress we also can lose intelligence. As mentioned earlier, with stress we go into the Fight or Flight response and less blood is available to the higher thinking fore regions of the brain.
Are you familiar with the recent terminology going around lately called "The Dumbing
Down of America?"
Well one reason for this is Stress! Just look at the stress signals common place in today's American homes and society. It is no wonder our children are getting lower scores in testing. One component of this is exam stress. When under stress, you simply can't think as clearly or rationally as when calm and not under stress. With a society of mixed & inconsistent values at best, students can often feel the societal pressure of being number one (a winner) as a main core value reflected to them through behavior. They see a "Do as I say, not as I do" misrepresentation. They are under increased stress levels to achieve. There could be another whole article here with many facets about the development of society and where ours may be headed.
In review, there are 3 major things that happen in the body due to stress.
1. The Viscera's growth processes shut down to send more blood to the muscles and bones. 2. The Immune system shuts down to conserve energy and use in "Protection."
3. Higher brain function shuts down in support of reflexive, instinctual response to meet emergency.
This becomes a problem when stress is chronic. Cells in constant stress will die or go into disorganization, as the community of cells breaks apart. I.e. Cancer.
Cells in a community can adopt one of 3 responses to stress that last more than just a brief period until the perceived emergency is over.
1. They can shrink back and wall themselves off.
2. They can excrete things out into their immediate environment in an attempt to reduce the stress but this is a high-energy option not good for extended periods. In other words, they try to adapt their environment to them.
3. They can adapt to the conditions of their environment. This means change their genes or biology to adapt to the stress environment.
Old school conventional biology says that there is no adaptation because those views believe this:
Darwinian Evolution says:
a. Random Mutations happen accidentally. This belief would say Cancer is random.
b. Natural Selection
Overall theme: Competition
Random Mutations goes away when we drop the incorrect assumption that
"Darwinian evolution provides for biological diversity.
So there is another way to view it and this view was first presented in a 1988 "Nature" mainstream journal article by John Cairns, Julie Overbaugh & Stephan Miller called
"The Origin of Mutants." Bruce Lipton describes this paper as one of the most important in Biological Science.
John Cairns experimented with bacteria that had a defective enzyme called Lactase.
It is an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar called Lactose. Lactase is necessary to break down Lactose so it can be used as a food source to power the bacteria’s cell growth and division. Thus, these bacteria cannot eat Lactose with their defective enzymes. John Cairns then takes these bacteria with defective enzymes and he puts them in a pitri dish with the only food source being Lactose. Common scientific knowledge would expect the bacteria to do nothing and die unable to eat the only food source present; Lactose. And yet, several days later, the bacteria were growing and thriving in every pitri dish. Again, conventional wisdom would say that without any energy source, the cells couldn't divide and can't change the DNA. Cairns examined the DNA to find out what happened and he found that the bacteria did not randomly change a bunch of genes. Instead, the bacteria focused on and changed just the
Lactase gene of the DNA to enable it to consume Lactose even though the cells &
DNA were not dividing. At that point, it was an entirely new concept.
Right after this, the British Journal of Nature wrote an editorial about Cairns titled "A
Unicorn in the Garden." They acknowledged John Cairns as a distinguished
Molecular Geneticist but said that they had real trouble believing his paper. A week later, an American Journal of Science Editorial came out entitled "A Heresy in
Evolutionary Biology." The article starts out with: "As anyone with even a passing knowledge of evolutionary biology knows, natural selection is a twofold process; the generation of genetic mutation followed by the fixation of Variants that are favored by prevailing conditions. And in the world of evolutionary biology, one thing has seemed certain; the generation of genetic mutations is a continuous and random process, uninfluenced by external circumstances.” The article continues, "The Harvard researchers describe the results of a handful of experiments which, they suggest, demonstrate that "bacteria can choose which mutations they should produce."
That's really funny to read now because just about everyone has heard about how bacteria and viruses can adapt to new environments and become resistant to treatments that previously worked to kill or suppress them.
But at the time, this was disturbing to many because this said that Evolution was not an accident but that we got here by "Program."
Humanity got here through a simultaneous process of Evolution and Creation.
So today, people still look at Energy Healing and say "That's Heresy" or look at belief systems changing genes or genetic adaptation to environment & they'll say "Heresy!"
But what it really is, is just science.
In a 1997 Scientific American, an article appears with the title of, "Evolution Evolving."
It says, "NEW findings suggest mutation is more complicated than anyone thought."
In between 1988 & 97, others consistently tried to undermine Cairns findings.
New? That was 9 years after Cairns findings. And here we are now in 2006 and just how many of us are catching on?
A few years later, the "Science" Journal showed this flow chart of the way things were before Cairns discovery.
This is a Darwinian flow chart with natural selection view. The strongest survive.
The Post Cairns flow chart looks like this:
Perception of
The findings are: In every cell nucleus in your body, there are genes whose function is to rewrite the other genes if they encounter stress.
Those are the “Genetic Engineering Genes” above.
In the new flow chart, Environment and perception are now included.
Louise Hay wrote a book called "You Can Heal Your Life." Her findings show that specific stresses affect different parts or organs of the body. You can deal with them by understanding what emotions are eliciting each stress.
Symptoms of your body are trying to give you the message that you need to deal with the stress.
Conventional medical care just tries to cover up or treat the symptom. Often enough, they don't listen to its message to pay attention and treat the source of the symptoms, which is mental/emotional stress. So if you are covering up symptoms from your body and not listening to them, what choice does your body have but to show you other worse symptoms in hopes of you getting the message? And if you never deal with them, the symptom messages could just continue to get worse. Symptoms are just trying to tell you that you are not running your body in a coordinated fashion.
The conventional law for "Primacy of DNA" information flow was this:
The first person to find that this was incorrect was Howard Temin in 1960 working with
"Reverse Transcriptase." He showed that the information flow went in BOTH directions. From DNA to RNA and the reverse.
Many people again screamed "Heretic!"
Today, this ability to flow both ways is what the AIDS virus does.
He ended up receiving the Nobel Prize for his discoveries.
John Cairns came along and further showed that the information flowed in BOTH directions from RNA to Protein and the reverse.
The Updated law of “Primacy of DNA” information flow is now this:
Since Protein is controlled through perception or belief, this is showing that DNA can be controlled through perception and belief.
It is now being shown that a pregnant woman is adjusting the genes of the child through information she is sending it based on perception and belief. Further more, the father is involved in the process too! The parents interact with each other and the results of their relationship interactions are sent to the fetus as information signals ranging anywhere from Love to Stress. Hormones, molecules and energy that are present in the mothers’ blood based on her perceived reality, are presented to the fetus further adjusting its gene selection and development.
As the farther and mother live in a certain geographical region while pregnant, the fetus will receive informational signals that reflect the environment the family lives in.
It's like a "head start program" for the baby to be adapted to the area in which it will come into the world. I wonder what might happen to the baby if, just before the mother gives birth, they move residence to a whole new geographical region far away
from before? Well, the baby may be born with "programming" that is inappropriate for the region in which she finds herself. What then?
Stress signals could cause the baby to adapt.
What this all means is that parents are "Genetic Engineers." They are quite literally selecting the child’s genes based on their beliefs and perceptions.
It is a fact that 40% to 50% of a child’s I.Q. factor is determined by the prenatal environment. In a recent article, a subtitle says this: "The genetic heritability of IQ remains highly contentious. A new analysis shows that genetic influences may be weaker, and
PRENATAL environmental influences greater, than previously appreciated."
If parents’ lives are highly stressed, they will pass the stress signals on to the developing fetus impacting pre-selection of genes that involve illness, disease, depression, aggression and loss of intelligence.
This is all saying that the role of the parents is HIGHLY important in the role of evolution of humans on this planet.
So a conscious active role needs to be taken by parents to insure best-case outcome for their children.
Bruce Lipton calls this Conscious Parenting.
One of the outcomes of not being conscious about being parental genetic engineers, is the loss of intelligence in our children year after year. It has been termed the
"dumbing down of America."
What are we gifting our children when we live in stress and unsupportive belief systems? Get the picture? Of course there are many factors involved in how a child person will turn out, and I personally will add here that many unknown "spiritual" predetermining factors may be at play. But as it has been shown, adaptation and change are always possible based on belief.
The brain is a device, a transducer if you will, that converts Input experience into output awareness. All the experiential senses come into the brain but come out as biological electromagnetic vibrations that connect throughout the body and become awareness. The brain also records everything that comes in as experience. It converts light coming into the eyes as a picture in the brain but also records it in the form of memory. So if you play back the memory or "recording," you have the experience again. Not exactly, but dependent upon your level and depth of awareness, you have more or less in your conscious memory to play back or recall. It
is estimated that 4 billion nerve impulses are coming into your brain every second.
However, it is also estimated you can only handle 2 thousand bits of that data every second in consciousness. That is just .0000005% of the available data in a given second! The information that we are not aware of consciously in that second is stuff that we don't really need to know because we already know through experience. If you are wearing a shirt, the nerve endings feel it and are constantly sending you the message, "You're wearing a shirt, you're wearing a shirt, you're wearing a shirt."
That's not necessary info at that moment since you already know you put the shirt on some time ago.
The point to be demonstrated is that most of your behavior is replaying experience that you don't even think about or are aware of. As that vast amount of information coming is recorded, you barely become conscious of just a fraction of it. Yet the tendency is to replay these unconscious patterns over and over. You don't have to tell yourself how to walk anymore with each step. Yet when you initially learned, it involved a great deal of attention, learning, effort and repetition. But you know that now. That's just an example of a basic pattern of information you use without thinking about it or needing to know consciously.
This can become a problem when you want to change a habit but don't seem to be able to change the behavior. Your conscious mind is trying to change a vast repository of programmed experience and belief. You may say you want to loose weight, but your behavior demonstrates the continuing pattern of the recording of experience. Becoming conscious of this process about how the body and brain works helps bridge this disparate gap of awareness between conscious and unconscious. Knowledge is power. So in taking a close look at our beliefs and patterns, we can begin to notice what kinds of filters we are wearing that color our perception of reality. In the world there is everything. There is both love and fear. If we focus on fear, we draw those things to us because that is all that the filters will let through. If we focus on love, we draw
"growth" to us because that is what that filter will allow through. We could be surrounded by fear and yet experience just love and peace. Or we could be surrounded by love and only be able to experience fear things. Just watch the news and listen how overwhelmingly the message is "be afraid, be afraid." We can change our beliefs through choice by putting different filters on.
Science can actually measure energies from the patterns of thought in your head but outside your skull. They use a device called a Magneto-encephalograph. This machine uses a "Super Quantum Induction Device" or SQUID that reads magnetic fields. It reveals that as you are doing neurological thought processing, your thoughts are not contained in your head. So your thought energies are transmitting outward!
Just like molecules, you are always emitting and absorbing energy. Nerves are like wires and emit an electromagnetic field when current is running through them. These
fields extend beyond your head. Basically, your thoughts are broadcasts.
Here is another interesting tidbit.
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain:
The Transferred Potential. (EPR potential)
This study uses some knowledge from fundamental physics in that they know particles come in pairs of spins. One is spinning left & one is spinning right. It also says that if you change the spin of one particle of the pair the other will change its spin instantly to compliment it. Turns out, you can separate the particles across the universe, change one particle spin direction, and the other particle spin instantly changes to compliment it. This effect is called "Action at a Distance." Bruce also brings up the physics theory
So this study says that this effect is not just at the quantum level.
The test involves 2 people that are allowed to meet and greet each other for the first time and do a little bonding. After that, they take these 2 people and separate them by
50 feet and place them in Faraday electromagnetic shielded cages or chambers. For one person, they flash lights in his eye and trigger evoked potential in his brain registering the light flashes. What happened was, at the same time they flashed lights in one persons eyes and evoked potential, they recorded the same evoked potential in the other persons brain even though separated by distance and conscious awareness.
It turns out, the more time people have to get to know each other and bond, the more their brains are energetically connected.
This is showing that we are energetically connected. Many people that have been coupled with the same partner for years will testify being able to "finish each others thoughts." This is also to support the relevance of prayer and intentions at a distance.
It works for sending good intentions, love or hate. We are interconnected. Our thoughts are bound with those around us and even more so with those that are closer.
Another interesting tidbit.
There are protein antennas on cell membranes that receive "Identity."
It has been noted that people who receive transplant organs from someone who has died, also receive some of the characteristics of that person through the "Identity" antenna of the cells in the transplant organ. Some people believe that is due to
receiving cells with "cellular memory." Bruce does not believe cells capable of memory at that level since they don't have neurons and brains complex enough.
Bruce says the memory is coming about through the "Identity receptor Antenna" of the cells and that "we" are not even in our bodies. So when a person receives a transplant organ, they are receiving some of the identity of the deceased person through the Identity receptors of that organ. These Identity receptors are actually called "Self" receptors. The implication is that if a cell has "self" receptors to recognize when signals are related to self or not, that it gets it's Identity through the self receptor signals that it receives.
This means that the "self" is in the environment!
We are not our bodies. When "self" receptors/transmitters are cut off from a cell, the cell becomes generic and can be transplanted to anyone without being rejected. They can even be put in a chicken and work.
Another exciting event has been discovered about the maternal bond between mother and child.
It is now known that some of the fetus cells migrate back into the mothers’ body and become part of the mothers system. So now the mother has some of the same "self" receptors as the child and can tune into its identity. That explains how mothers often know what their child is going through & vice versa.
Now back to the self-receptors. Bruce explains that he could take your cells and cutoff the self-receptors. Take his cells and cutoff the self-receptors. Then take your selfreceptors and put on his cells and place them in your body and they would now totally be your cells. It's not him anymore without his self-receptors. The implications were astounding for him showing that we are not the body but in the environment. This is direct evidence of the spiritual component. Another analogy is this. If you have a TV with an antenna on the roof and the TV dies, is the signal still there? Sure. Just go buy a new TV, plug in the antenna and you are receiving the signal again. The signal is us. We don't die with the body.
In conclusion.
Scientific Biology is now not only showing us that evolution and creation happen simultaneously; it is also showing that identity exists outside of the body. It has been shown that belief is the key. So our bodies and consciousness follow our belief systems. Our thoughts radiate out to those around us. We are connected everywhere but more so to those closer to us. The belief system not only includes our self and body but now it includes others and their beliefs and bodies. We can change them almost instantly at a personal level and perhaps at an extended connection level or
even a global perspective.
We are all infinitely more powerful than we have allowed ourselves to know.
If you don't like the way your life is going, change your beliefs.
Pay attention to your thoughts and analyze them. Realize that you are not only creating with them your self, but you are sending them out and they are affecting others. Psychologists say over 70% of our thoughts are negative and redundant. The secret of life is to watch your thoughts. Because once you realize what is really going on, you can make new ones, which will create your reality anew.
In closing, Bruce Lipton said the following to his workshop.
"You are more powerful beyond anything you have ever imagined.
But then you have to recognize responsibility.
You are personally responsible for everything in your life....... once you become aware that....... you are personally responsible for everything in your life!"
Bruce Lipton's complete library of DVD’s and video is available through:
Spirit 2000, Inc.
1 (800) 550-5571
Visit Write:
Spirit 2000, Inc.
P.O. Box 41126
Memphis, TN