It is subjective. A riot is de$ned as a violent disturbance of the peace by a group of people. In the Kimani Gray article, people originally used the hash tag “#BrooklynRiots” to describe what was occurring, however it was later changed to “#Brooklynprotest”. Protest can be de$ned as a statement or action expressing disapproval or objection of something. The word riot has a negative connotation to it so it was altered to the word protest, which throughout history has been considered positive. In the case of Kimani Gray, violence was never required. Violence will always lead to more violence therefore it is not necessary. Although Kimani Gray was wrongfully shot by two o duty o1cers, in my …show more content…
The point of the protest should be to gain exposure for police brutality and how people are unjustly dying because of cops. People continuously feel threatened by police in low-income minority areas. The black communities outrage is reasonable because of situations such as the shooting of Kimani Gray. The justi$cation for the police brutality because they feel threatened or that the individual had a weapon putting their lives in danger.
It’s sad but true that police have the ability to plant a gun on an individual and still get away with it. The reason someone wouldn’t be caught is because of his or her appearance and/or personality. In the case of Kimani Gray it wasn’t. He was considered a “good person that was striving every day to grow and be his best self” by his school Principal.
However, the police tried to portray him as a thug harming both his self and reputation. At the end of the day violence wasn’t the correct response in terms of the response of the police as well as the riot. In the whole commotion of the violence the whole idea and reasoning gets lost. People form their own agenda and use their own hatred to fuel their