There are three phases in the helping process, these phases include the following:
The assessment phase is one of the most important phases, in this phase the client and professional make their first initial contact with one another and during this phase the professional will evaluate the client to see if they are a good candidate for services and if they meet the eligibility requirements for services. After the client meets the eligibility requirements, the professional will then start to gather information on the client, with the help of the client. By doing this, it allows the professional to become aware of what types of services that the client may …show more content…
be in need of. After gathering information about the client, the professional will go over the different processes with the client as well as make the client aware that they are to be active in every phase of the helping process.
Planning The second phase of the helping process is the planning process, during this process the professional may need to gather more information from the client in order to get the whole picture in order to determine what types of services the client may need. After gathering any additional needed information there will be a plan put into place as to what types of services that the client will receive, how those services will be arranged, what is to be expected during this process, and how their success will be evaluated.
Implementation The third and final stage of the helping process is the implementation process.
During this process the client and the professional will start the process of implementing the plan that was devised in the previous stage. The implementation process should start right away to ensure that the client does not change their mind and so that they get the help that they need as soon as possible.
Every one of these stages in the helping process is very important, they all have a certain goal that is to be met in order to achieve getting the client the help that they need. After all of these stages are fulfilled, the client and the professional will continue to work together in order to achieve the goals that is set for the client. There will periodically be a case review to examine the client’s case to ensure that they are receiving the appropriate services as well as quality care. A case review will also allow any changes to be made if need be, during this process it is absolutely necessary to have all of the documentation from the client’s case starting with the initial intake process all the way through each and every phase of the helping process, therefore, report writing is very vital throughout the helping process in order to have all of the documentation available when needed. This allows the professional to make sure that everything has been done appropriately and …show more content…
effectively. The helping process is one that has many different phases and during these phases the client needs to be an active participant in order to ensure that they are onboard with all of the goals that are set forth for them.
When a client actively participates in their care, it allows better communication between the client and the professional. Active participation from the client is also helpful when it comes to strength bases approaches. Strength based approaches are used with clients so that the focus can be directed in a positive way and not a negative way. This allows the client and the professional to focus on the client’s skills, knowledge, and talents, which will help empower the client and to encourage them to engage in internal and environmental
supports. The helping process can be an overall great experience for the client, they are able to talk to someone in order to get help with anything that they may be struggling with, it should be a process that will have a positive impact on their lives, it shouldn’t be something that they are left feeling worse about themselves or judged/discriminated. Therefore, there are a code of ethics that the professional must adhere to, and if the professional feels that they are unable to adhere to these ethics because of biases or any other reason, they should refer the client to someone else. Ethical standards are to be used during the entire helping process to ensure that the client is being treated fair, and to show that you are being responsible and honest when it comes to the client.
Chapter 1, Introducing the helping process: The Helping Process – Assessment to Termination Mc Clam, T., Woodside, M. (2012)