Incorporating amendment issued
August 1963
(PD 4964)
Specification for
Alloy steel shackles
[UDC 621.885.7:669.15]
Copyright British Standards Institution
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BS 3551:1962
Co-operating organizations
The Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee, under whose supervision this British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations: --`,,``,,````````,,,``,,,`,``,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
This British Standard, having been approved by the
Mechanical Engineering
Industry Standards Committee and endorsed by the Chairman of the Engineering Divisional
Council, was published under the authority of the General
Council on
22nd October 1962
© BSI 07-1999
Air Ministry
Associated Offices’ Technical Committee*
Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Mining Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers
British Chemical Plant Manufacturers’
British Compressed Air Society
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’
British Engineers’ Association*
British Gear Manufacturers’ Association
British Internal Combustion Engine
Manufacturers’ Association
British Iron and Steel Federation*
British Railways, the British Transport
Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations
D.S.I.R. — National Engineering Laboratory*
Electricity Council, The Generating Board and the Area Boards in England and Wales
Engineering Equipment Users’ Association*
Gas Council
High Commission of India
Institute of Marine Engineers*
Institute of Petroleum
Institution of Civil Engineers