February 28, 2011
University of Phoenix
Professional Values for the BSN Student
Name:__Karon Jones_____________________________________
Using this format, prepare a 30 - 50 word response in each box that describes your understanding of the values for the BSN nursing student. Review the assigned reading assignments found in the Electronic Reserve Readings, located in the Materials page of the student Web site. Prepare an APA-formatted reference page.
|Define: |Identify how nurses demonstrate this value.|Discuss how you demonstrate this value. |
|Altruism |Nurses are considerate, compassionate, and |By acting as an advocate for the patient. I|
|The principle or practice of unselfish |bighearted. They display relentless hours |focus on the total well being of the |
|concern for the welfare of others. Caring |or care for their patients. The nurse wants|patient. I educate my patients on their |
|for or nurturing, another individual (“Web |to ensure his or her patients receive |condition, procedures, treatments, and |
|definitions for Altruism”). |quality care. For example, nurses display |follow up care. I include the patient and |
| |active listening skills to ensure patients |his or her family in the patient’s |
| |concerns are met as well as physical needs.|treatment plan. |
|Autonomy |Nurses illustrate autonomy by their ability|After the overall assessment has been |
|The ability to act according to one’s |to collect data that relates to patient |completed, a plan of care will be made |
|knowledge and |objectives. They use their knowledge and |specifically identifying the
References: Weston, M.J. (2008). Defining Control Over Nursing Practice and Autonomy. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(404-408). (2005). Journal of Professional Nursing, 21(1). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. (2008). American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Retrieved from Web definitions for Altruism. Retrieved from Dwyer, D. J. (1992). Decision Making Autonomy in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Administration, 22(2), 17-23. Abstract retrieved from Social Justice. (2011). National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from