Transformed resources
* Unprocessed, Raw materials, parts and supplies used in operations
Information knowledge gained from research, investigation and instruction – increase of understanding * Stored in files, computer programs & databases * Plans, execute operations & keep controls over material inputs
Eg. Work schedules, diagrams, reports
Customer used as input – needs and desires that ‘drive’ operations * Consumer orientation – takes preferences and interest of consumer as starting point * Marketing operations is closely linked to consumers
Transforming resources - Use to change material * Applied to inputs to change to add value * Human Resources
People > business greatest asset: * Skill, knowledge, capabilities and labour– applied to materials to convert into goods and services * Skill, knowledge, capabilities and labour * Staff capabilities – hardworking, disciplined – bring about productivity and efficiency – due to coordinating and combine resources e.g. finance and tech. to produce goods and service * Qualified, experience, motivated employees
* Facilities * Buildings, lands, equipment and technology used – Machinery and equipment –used to physical change that shape and features of inputs/materials * Technology essentiality – enable use of transformed resources in a more efficient and effective way
Transformation process conversion on inputs to outputs – value adding 1. Physical altering: input or change that happens to people when received. How you feel, do you change in a way 2. Transportation; of goods & services. Delivered to a more convenient location for access by consumers. 3. Protection and safety: from the environment- security 4. Inspection: giving customers good understanding of good/service –assurance, advice, support
Influences – volume, variety, variation and