Siddhartha Gautama was eventually married. After he was married to his princess Yasodhara, Gautama had convicened his groom to take him into a nearby town which had life changing events with reality. Going into the town he was facing the …show more content…
The afterlife in buddhism is a lot like hinduism, Buddhism believe that karma impacts future lives. Reincarnation is an individual spirits are reborn after death - the cycle of life. During reincarnation the individual can either enter another's body or the individual can enter nirvana. Only buddha's will achieve nirvana. Nirvana is a state of final liberation which is known as enlightenment cycle of death and rebirth, therefor suffering is ended. The literal meaning of nirvana is to extinguish,which would connect to eliminating suffering from life. When Gautama was going through enlightenment he lived in forests, burning in the sun, freezing in the night, he slept on beds of thorns, he starved himself until he had became so skinny that if he touched his stomach he could feel his backbone. Even through all that trouble long nights and days, he still couldn't find his answers to what he was looking for. During a full moon night of May, Gautama got into a deep meditation, which finally got him to realize new knowledged, it was exactly what he was looking for. Gautama saw how karma worked. Karma is good actions lead to good results and bad actions lead to bad results - what goes around comes around. Gautama discovered how to overcome desire and attachment. Mahayanna is ideal is the bodhisattva : an Individual who has attained enlightenment, but delays nirvana