He proposed that we as people were put on this earth not to be good but to do good, meaning we are born by God not commanded to do good but we have the choice to do good with the right knowledge given to us. We as humans make the decisions to do right or wrong, we have a choice between following God and Jesus or fall down the wrong path, we have the power to make the proper decisions in life. We must understand agape and knowing that we must forgive those who are our enemies because that is the best form of revenge you can give someone who's done you wrong; you must love those who love you, but love those even more who've done you wrong. He says this because forgiveness the strongest power in Gods eyes to show someone that you can forgive those who've trespassed against us to help us from falling to darkness. When Jesus told the Pharisees that the kingdom is within him he was telling them for as long as the have there heart and mind with God his kingdom will always be with them therefore they must not look for his kingdom as a figure form that only comes when good is being done, however they shall look at it as if trust and faith are put into God his kingdom will always be within them. Kenosis is the center of the theory behind all of Jesus theory because kenosis is the rejection of Gods nature of others by the out come of Christ's suffering pain as a human. …show more content…
The teaching of Daoism is that everything has its place in the universe including people, thus creating everything perfectly. The only way things will not be perfect is if something has changed its course of nature and fallen from the harmonious structure that was created for it. In order to find ones self is to find Dao, is your path, and to find Dao is to find yourself. Dao is the meaning of your life it is your purpose and motive, it is the principle of Yin and Yang of natural order. The Dao is like a life cycle on repeat that doesn't have a changed pattern ever unless we choose to change it which causes things to go wrong. We humans tend to think artificial things which is why our things never tend to go the way we want them to because we change of nature of things. Daoism understands the human problem by allowing things to just happen and it will solve it self in its own nature. The Wu Wei is the self honesty and truthfulness to oneself. The Pu is the original self thus the self that is naturally given. The Daoist want to recover the idea of Wu Wei to bring back the originality of Dao which is the way of life that is naturally