Barbara Wheeler
February 26, 2012
Kelli Trueba
Building an Ethical Organization Part 2
In April 2010, the newly formed The Center for Sexual Abuse/Assault Recovery will open their doors. According to the U.S. Department of Justice (2009), a sexual assault happens once every two minutes. The victims of these assaults need a safe place to turn for assistance. Currently there is no centrally located center for these victims. As the director of the Center for Sexual Abuse/Assault Recovery, I believe we will be able to fill the current void in the community, by offering various services currently scattered throughout the community under one roof. The Center for Sexual Abuse/Assault Recovery will be operated by a non-profit organization and will have the capability to offer clients counseling, legal advice, educational programs, and much more.
The Center for Sexual/Assault Recovery will serve any victim of sexual assault as well as those close to the victim that may also be affected by the assault, or can aid the victim in recovery. By offering additional programs to the entire family we are able to establish a support system for the victim, while also assisting those who may need a better understanding of what the victim may be going through before, during, and after treatment. It is the center’s goal to provide the best care to those who enter our center; treating all clients confidentially, fairly and with respect; allowing access for everyone to all programs offered.
According to Campbell (2008), “Rape victims encounter significant difficulties obtaining help from the legal, medical, and mental health systems, and what help they do receive can leave them feeling blamed, doubted, and re-victimized. As a result, survivors ' post-rape distress may be due not only to the rape itself but also to how they are treated by social systems after the assault.” (para. 40) The Center for Sexual Assault/ Abuse Recovery will
References: Acierno, R., Resnick H., Kilpatrick, D. G., Saunders, B., & Best, C. L. (1999). Risk factors for rape, physical assault, and posttraumatic stress disorder in women: Examination of differential multivariate relationships. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 13, 541–563. Campbell, Rebecca. (2008). the psychological impact of rape victims ' experiences with the legal, medical, and mental health systems. American Psychologist, 63(8), 702-717. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from EBSCOHost database. Lee, Kibeom, & Bourdage, Joshua. (2009). Similarity and Assumed Similarity in Personality Reports of. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(2), 460-472. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from EBSCOHost database. Tolin, David F., & Foa, Edna B. (2006). Post traumatic stress disorder and sexual assault. Psychological Bulletin, 132(6), 959-992. Retrieved April 16, 2010 from EBSCOHost database. U.S. Department of Justice (2009). Crime and victims statistics. Retrieved April 16, 2010 from