BM6101 Building and Sustaining Strategy
(Semester 1)
This Level 6 module aims to examine the theory and practice of strategic decision-making through an investigation and analysis of external and internal environments, strategic options and choices, and strategy implementation. It will enable students to develop an understanding of business strategy formulation and its practical application under differing conditions for various types of organisation e.g. MNCs, commercial firms,
SMEs, public sector, and social enterprises. In particular it addresses key challenges in the areas of global and local competition, sustainability, governance and ethics, HRM, leadership, change and diversity, and technology. BM6101 builds upon students' prior learning at Levels 4 and 5 and integrates these to provide a holistic perspective of how organisations determine and deliver their business strategies.
Essential Text
The set book for this module is:
Johnson, G ., Whittington R., and Scholes, K. (2011), Exploring
Strategy: Text & Cases, 9/e, Harlow: Pearson (FT Prentice-Hall).
ISBN 978-0-273-737025
Notes: (i) UoG‘s discount code for buying Pearson books is ZP039B
(ii) after acquiring the book, you will need to register your access code for the accompanying MyStrategyLab on-line resources, to which you MUST have access This will be referred to in the guide as the ―module text‖, or sometimes by the abbreviation ―JWS‖. It will be supplemented with readings and case studies from journals, newspaper articles and other strategy-related texts
(e.g. see below), plus various video/audio resources.
BM6101 Module Guide Sem1 2012-13 v1
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BM6101 – Building and Sustaining Strategy
Essential Online Resources
The BM6101 Moodle site (accessed through UoG front page) will contain the module guide and assessment briefs for