National Testing Service Pakistan
(Building Standards in Educational & Professional Testing)
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National Testing Service Pakistan
Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
National Testing Service Pakistan
Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Quantitative Ability
The Quantitative section measures your basic mathematical skills, understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, and the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. There is a balance of questions requiring basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. These are essential content areas usually studied at the high school level. The questions in the quantitative section can also be from • • • Di screte Quanti tative Questi on Quanti tative Compari son Questi on Data Interpretati on Questi on etc.
The distribution in this guide is only to facilitate the candidates. This distribution is not a part of test template, so, a test may contain all the questions of one format or may have a random number of questions of different formats. This chapter is divided into 4 major sections. The first discusses the syllabus /contents in each section of the test respectively and the remaining three sections address the question format, guide lines to attempt the questions in each format and some example questions.
General Mathematics Review
The following are some key points, which are phrased here to refresh your knowledge of basic arithmetic principles.
Basic arithmetic
• For any number a, exactl y one of the fol l owi ng i s true: o a i s n egativ e o a i s z ero o a i s posi ti ve Th e on l y nu m ber th