Introduction………………………………………… 3
Why a knowledge based Society…………………….5
Universities and Their Role…………………………7
Social Impact…………………………………………8
Introduction The Government in recent years have become aware of the changes in society and the workforce. The economy is directly affected by what the labour market is and what the future skills base will be. The U.K. is falling behind other nations and the Government is looking towards higher education, particularly Universities, to address some of these problems. In this report issues such as history, social changes, economy and how they affect the nation will be looked at. How, in the future, people in society will have to adapt to an ever changing world. Issues that concerned society in the past have changed and the labour market of the future will have a direct impact on environmental issues that will affect the future generations.
The industrial revolution saw the first major changes in society’s attitude towards education. Although there were many problems that needed to be address such as living standards and working conditions, the government tried to tackle the problem of education. The higher classes did not see any reason to educate the working class nor did the working class see any reason to be educated. Child labour was common, with parents reluctant to give up these earnings for the benefit of education. The government were more concerned at first with the question of what to do with the poor but attitudes changed as they realised that education could be used to resolve these problems. The various factory acts in the 1800’s also contributed to a shift towards education as better working conditions and a restriction on child labour were introduced. . Through the 1900’s governments
Bibliography: Hargreaves,A. (2003) Teaching in the Knowledge Society, New York, Teachers College Press. Johnson P, 20th Century Britain Economic, Social and Cultural Change. New York, Longman. Lietch,L. (2006) Prosperity for in the Global Economy-World Class Skills, London, HM Treasury. Reich, R. (2001) The Future of Success, New York, Alfred Knopf. Sanderson, M (1994) Eduction and social mobility. (ed) Joshnon, P 20th Centuury Britain, Ecomonic, Social and Cultural Change. New York. Longman. modernization. ( 2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 9, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://search.eb.com/eb/article-12032