If you have been assigned a business report, you can choose an appropriate topic from the list provided in this section of our site. Topics are grouped in categories related to major courses of study: accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, information systems, management, and general business/education/campus issues. You can gather information for reports on many of these topics by using InfoTrac and by using the Web generally. All the topics are appropriate for business proposals, business plans, and formal reports.
[pic]Follow the formats and development plans provided in Guffey’s Business Communication: Process and Product or Guffey’s Essentials of Business Communication. Consult your instructor about the length, format, and emphasis of your report.
[pic]To access a page devoted to a specific category of report topics, click the relevant link below.
1. After the corporate scandals of the early 2000s, Congress passed legislation that it hoped would renew faith in the accounting profession. Study the laws that were passed and examine the effects of those laws. Why were they passed? How has the accounting profession changed as a result of the laws? What conclusions can you draw from your findings? What recommendations can you make to accounting educators regarding programs that train accountants?
2. “Campus Castoffs” is a fund-raising program that has worked in a number of college campuses. It involves gathering clothes, computers, furniture, and other unwanted items prior to graduation. On some campuses as much as 40 tons of waste have been turned into large cash donations. Assume that you are part of a campus team investigating the possibility of a “Trash to Treasure” sale in May. Analyze the financial aspects of gathering castoffs, organizing a sale, pricing the goods, and keeping track of the income that will become a gift to your campus student organization or to a charity