AP Lit A2
April 18, 2012
Bulimia Nervosa: Argument Although bulimia nervosa can be treated in multiple fashions, there is a specific treatment that is proven to be the most effective in not only bulimia nervosa, but also other anxiety related disorders. This effective treatment is an specific form of short term psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is productive in both reducing the amount of times one may purge in a day and diminishing the entire disorder altogether; it is a diverse set of problem specific interventions. According to Brian Sheldon, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psychological approach for the treatment of family, personal, and mental problems. This technique is intended to help clients analyze existing patterns of thinking and emotional reactions (Agras et. al). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is preferred over other forms of treatment for Bulimia Nervosa because it promotes rational analysis of thoughts in the more positive direction. Overall CBT is related through a web of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. As Sheldon pointed out in his book, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, this treatment also promotes an examination of emotions and the consequences they have have for their behavior. CBT was designed to promote clients to test their fears and avoidance reactions in order to see what will happen if they react differently as opposed to purging. This treatment is based upon the characteristics and attitudes toward the weight of patients with bulimia nervosa, and is designed to change the patient 's neurotic views toward shape and weight (Fairburn). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy contains three connected phases. The first phase attains a main goal in which the patient must be educated about bulimia nervosa (or any disorder that he/she may acquire). The patient must also learn about the process in which he/she can maintain the disorder. This can be done through increasing the regularity of their eating along
Cited: Agras, Stewart W, MD; Fairburn, Christopher G, MD; Kraemer, Helena C, PhD; Walsh, Timothy B, MD; Wilson, Terrence G, PhD. A Multicenter Comparison of Cognitive-Bahavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa. American Medical Association. 2000. Fairburn, Christopher G. Bulimia Nervosa: Antidepressant Or Cognitive Therapy Is Effective. British Medical Journal. Vol. 300, No. 6723, pp. 485-487. Feb. 24, 1990. Killian, Kyle D. Fearing Fat: A Literature REview of FAmily Systems Understandings and Treatments of Anorexia and Bulimia. National Council on Family Relations. Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 311-318. Jul. 1994. Novotney, Amy. New Solutions: Psychologists are developing promising new treatments and conducting novel research to combat eating disorders. American Psychological Association. Vol. 40, No. 4, pp 46. April 2009.