Transition: Well, the only difference is that this is not a game, but a Spanish tradition practiced throughout the centuries. II. Body F. Bullfighting has been occurring for several centuries throughout the country of Spain. 4. Bullfight: A traditional Spanish, Portuguese, or Latin American spectacle, in which a bull is fought by a matador, assisted by banderilleros and picadors, in a prescribed way in an arena and is usually killed. (Britannica Online) 5. Bulls also played an important role in the religious ceremonies of the Iberian tribes living in Spain in prehistoric times. 6. Although the true origins of bullfighting are unknown, the earliest indications of bullfighting are evident up to ancient Rome. a) Greek and Roman influenced and created the spectacle of bullfighting. 7. The development
References: Conrad, B. (1961). Encyclopedia of Bullfighting. In (L. Spota, Trans.). Massachusetts: The Riverside Press. Don Quijote. The Art and History of Bullfighting. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Douglass, C. B. (1997). Bulls, Bullfighting, and Spanish Identities In (D. J. Sapir, Ed.). The University of Arizona Press. Encyclopedia Britannica. Bullfighting. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Lorca, F. G. (1967). The Bullfight. In (S. Mailer & N. Mailer, Trans.). New Directions Publishing Corporation. Mouton, R. (2002). Pamplona In (M. Barra, Illus.). Metairie, LA: Quinn Publishing.