Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations for and influences on bullying.
•Identify and describe how a child’s environment might pre-dispose him or her to bully others. Use each of the five systems in Bronfenbrenner’s theory.
Bioecolgical theory lies on the side of nature/nurture continuum that favors environmental influences over maturational development Mossler, R.A. (2011).
Microsystem- Has a daily, direct impact on the child, contexts like school, peers, neighborhood, and religious affiliation make up the setting in which the child lives Mossler, R.A. (2011).
Mesosystem- represents the interaction of the various components of the microsystem, like parental involvement in school and a child’s friends Mossler, R.A. (2011).
Ecosystem – includes community and socioeconomic variable that have more indirect impact on the child. For example, there are circumstances when parents have to (or choose to) work more hours or where there are fewer resources for childcare and supervision. These conditions may change a child’s life Mossler, R.A. (2011).
Macro system- represents the cultural contest, such as lases, traditions, and customs. For instance, some governmental and cultural institutions have programs that support health, education, and welfare of children; in others, simple being a girl will restrict access.
Chrono system- shows the social and historical context within which the other systems operate, and how the four systems change over time Mossler, R.A. (2011).
•How might parents be an influencing factor on whether or not a child is prone to bullying? Depends upon parenting style there are for different type that I read about in chapter five in chart 5.2 Parenting types.