Physical bullying
This is any bullying that does damage to someones body or damages their property. stealing, pushing, hitting, fighting, and causing destruction on property are all types of physical bullying . Physical bullying is the first form of bullying that a Target will experience. frequent bullying will begin in a different forms and later forward development to physical violent acts. In physical bullying the main fighting instrument the bully uses is their body when attacking their Target. Sometimes groups of young adults will Target and push away an equal because of some young person bad starting a opinion. This can quickly lead to a place where they are being taunted, given great pain, and get beaten-up by their school friends. Physical bullying can lead to a very sad ending and therefore must be stopped quickly to put a stop to any further increase. …show more content…
calling names, spreading current statements open to doubt, threatening somebody, and making fun of others are all forms of verbal bullying . Verbal bullying is one of the most common types of bullying . In verbal bullying the main fighting instrument the bully uses is their voice. In many examples, verbal bullying is used by girls. girls are more delicately balanced, in general, than boys. Girls use verbal bullying ,to rule and control other individuals and make clear to their being higher, greater and power. however, there are also many boys with a complex, delicate way enough to use verbal techniques for