Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The focus of this research paper is to investigate bullying, the types of bullying, reasons why people are bullies and possible ways for people to stop and prevent bullying. There are many types of bullying , such as verbal bullying, physical bullying, racist bullying, sexual bullying and cyberbullying. Physical bullying is when one person or group of people picks on or harasses another person in a face to face confrontational manner. Physical bullying can include harassment like name calling or stalking behaviors, and more violent abuses like hitting or intimidation. Sometimes kids, teens and adults can single out a person that is alienated from the group. This can lead to the victim being taunted, tortured and beaten up. Physical bullying can end tragically and therefore must be stopped immediately. In children and adults you may notice a withdrawn and sad silence that surrounds them. If a child or young adult doesn’t want to go somewhere like school, after school programs, walk home by themselves, ride the bus home or to a friend’s house, they may be a victim of bullying. It is important to talk to the child and ask them about their feelings surrounding the matter. After all, there is no better way to find something out than to ask. Verbal bullying occurs when someone uses language to gain power over his or her peers. The verbal bully makes use of relentless insults and teasing to bully his or her peers. Verbal bullies are one of the more difficult types of bullies to identify since their attacks tend to only occur when adults are not present. Even though verbal bullying creates no physical damage it can have lasting psychological impacts on victims. Emotional intimidation is when the bully or group
Cited: “Information” About Racist Bullying, Anti Bullying network, 2010, WEB, 2-23-15 http://www.antibullying.net/racistinfotwo.htm Marusarz, Mike “Bullying Can Happen Anywhere, but Home Is Often First Line of Defense, September 1, 2010, pages 1-2, Online Article “Racist Bullying” Bullies Out, Just Giving, 2006, WEB, 2-26-15 http://www.bulliesout.com/racist-bullying “Sexual Bullying Amongst Today’s Youth”, No Bullying.com, July 21, 2014, WEB, 2-22-15 http://nobullying.com/sexual-bullying/ “STOMP Out Bullying” Forms of Bullying, NO MATTER and BLUE Shirt Day, 2007, WEB, 2-25-15 http://www.stompoutbullying.org/index.php/information-and-resources/about-bullying-and-cyberbullying/forms-bullying/ “Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying” ConnectSafely, 2015, WEB, 2-25-15 http://www.connectsafely.org/tips-to-help-stop-cyberbullying/ “What is Physical Bullying” NoBullying.com, September 18, 2014, WEB, 2-15-15 http://nobullying.com/physical-bullying/ “What Is Verbal Bullying? Definition, 2015, WEB, 2-22-15