Bullying has no longer become a physical thing but with our advances of technology bullying is now more relentless than ever. Bullying can now be sent via text message so now bullying won’t stop. Students between the ages of 12 or 18 have admitted to being bullying by one or multiple people. The relentless torment by other students has caused the victims to fall to substance …show more content…
But teens are more tempted to go back to drugs to help feel the hole that they have inside them. The emotional gap but statistics say that a person who has been bullied have a harder time at showing emotion. (“Teen Suicide Statistics”)
Most parents don’t even realize that their kids are being harassed at school. A child that is being bullied is scared to tell their parents that they are being bullied. They aren’t scared because of what the parents will think, they are scared because the bully or bullies have threatened the child not to tell. (“Preventing Teen Suicide”)
In conclusion, parents need to become more aware of their kids circumstances and surrounding so they can prevent the next physical, emotional torture. Whether or not a parent believes that their child is being bullied it doesn’t mean that their child is not hiding something from them whether that is self-harm, drug addiction or thoughts of suicide.
“So check up on your children keep them close and talk to them about school and ask them if there is anything wrong whether in school or with