
Bullying In Nursing

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Bullying In Nursing
As discussed in the previous paper in Unit 3 the clinical question that lead to the quantitative research design is- Are newly graduate nurses more likely to quit within a < 10 year gap of work due to bullying in the work place, if so, how does that affect nursing retention?
The problem assigened and addressed in this paper is how bullying affects and makes its impact on nurse retention. Bullying is an enormous problem that is faced by newly graduate nurses. The abuse on the nurses could be verbal or extra workload. The newly graduates cannot take a stand for themselves because of lack of experience and risk for losing the job. Holding a job and keeping it secure is one of the hardest things for a newly graduate registered nurse.
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This article proves through an interview based survey that the impact of bullying affected each participant emotionally in some manner that the impact of bullying affected each participant emotionally in some manner, whether by making them angry or afraid. Each participant described how the bullying behaviors affected their ability to learn. Bullying behaviors affected how the participants viewed the faculty member, as well as the level of respect that was given to the faculty. Bullying impacted the participants in most cases, by making them more resilient and focused on succeeding in order to overcome the bullying behavior. However, the bullying behaviors had the most direct impact on the perception of the learning environment (Molt …show more content…
D- students and new graduates
I- bullying at workplace
230 Students and new graduates
Survey on a Focused Group
Emotional bullying, fear, frustration, belittling, and loss of self confidence
Vogelpohl, D. A., Rice, S. K., Edwards, M. E., & Bork, C. E. (2013). New Graduate Nurses' Perception of The Workplace: Have They Experienced Bullying?. Journal Of Professional Nursing
Is bullying at the workplace is one of the reason of having the short staff?
D- students and new graduates
I- bullying at workplace
135 newly licensed registered nurses.
Survey on a Focused Group
Newly graduates quitting their initial jobs because of bullying at workplace.

After reviewing the articles I have chosen I came up with the conclusion that these articles do justice to the problem of ‘Bullying and its impacts on nurse retention’. Both articles were chosen from Chamberlain College of Nursing’s Library database which makes them credible and reliable. So, both of the articles fulfill the purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group

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