Reina V. Reyes Oquendo
GEEN 2313
Table of Contents Page
Introduction 3
Bullying 5
Areas affected by bullying 6
Recent research 7
Methods to access bullying 9
Pikas Method 10
Findings 12
References 13
Every day we face situations that affect our diary to live. The children have a beautiful daily beginning, until they come to their school environment. There they found truly friends, but also children who damage them. The school harassment or "bullying" is a social problem that affects the majority of the children in our country and the world. The school harassment is the intimidation that a child creates, with power or force and aggression on one or more children to call the attention or simply to avoid to be one more. The "bullying" since better it is known refers to any act of physical or verbal aggression that it realizes one or more children against his homonyms.
At the global level there is a phenomenon that affects the education of children and young people. This is manifested within the centers of education and has been for decades a serious problem that can bring repercussions to the students. Garcia (2011) indicates that the bullying cause serious damage to the mental and physical health in the people involved. It is inferred that the bullying is a problem, to the extent that we see as the students identify to this as an evil that harm permanently or part. Another reason is that it breaks with the expectations of society, which searches for a good school environment and therefore, it becomes an antisocial behavior reprehensible. To learn this behavior we must begin with the main participant, the aggressor.
The aggressor is usually mostly feel need to dominate, are impulsive, show little empathy
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